Region 1 Draft Aquaculture General Permit
Draft NPDES Aquaculture General Permit (AQUAGP) for Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production (CAAP) Facilities and Other Related Facilities in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont
EPA Region 1 is issuing the Draft Aquaculture General Permit (Draft AQUAGP) for discharges from Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production (CAAP) facilities and other related facilities to certain waters of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, State of New Hampshire, and State of Vermont (federal facilities only). This Draft NPDES AQUAGP establishes effluent limitations and requirements, effluent and ambient monitoring requirements, reporting requirements, and standard conditions for 14 eligible industrial facilities currently covered by individual NPDES permits: 7 in Massachusetts, 5 in New Hampshire, and 2 in Vermont.
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Draft AQUAGP Documents
- Draft AQUAGP Documents (PDF) (52 pp, 504 K)
- Appendix 1: Summary of Marine Essential Fish Habitat Designations (PDF) (1 pg, 65 K)
- Appendix 2: Endangered Species Act Guidance and Eligibility Criteria (PDF) (11 pp, 249 K)
- Appendix 3: National Historic Preservation Act Review (PDF) (5 pp, 94 K)
- Appendix 4: Suggested Notice of Intent (NOI) Format and Instructions (PDF) (12 pp, 144 K)
- Appendix 5: Notice of Termination (NOT) Instructions and Suggested Format (PDF) (3 pp, 76 K)
- Appendix 6: Standard Conditions (PDF) (31 pp, 350 K)
- Appendix 7: Notice of Change (NOC) Instructions and Suggested Format (PDF) (5 pp, 129 K)
- Appendix 8: Dilution Factor and Effluent Limitation Calculations for Massachusetts (PDF) (3 pp, 149 K)
- Appendix 9: Dilution Factor and Effluent Limitation Calculations for New Hampshire (PDF) (3 pp, 134 K)
- Appendix 10: Dilution Factor and Effluent Limitation Calculation for Vermont (PDF) (2 pp, 122 K)
- Appendix 11: Marine Acute Toxicity Test Procedure and Protocol (PDF) (10 pp, 57 K)
- Appendix 12: Freshwater Acute Toxicity Test Procedure and Protocol (PDF) (8 pp, 96 K)
- Appendix 13: New Hampshire Nutrient Stressor-Response Monitoring Plan Guidance (PDF) (2 pp , 115 K)
- Fact Sheet and Supplemental Information (PDF) (50 pp, 493 K)
- Attachment 1: List of Applicable Facilities (PDF) (3 pp, 75 K)
- Attachment 2: Massachusetts Facilities Map (PDF) (1 pg, 3.8 MB)
- Attachment 3: New Hampshire Facilities Map (PDF) (1 pg, 3.2 MB)
- Attachment 4: Vermont Facilities Map (PDF) (1 pg, 3.5B)
How to Submit Comments
EPA has published a Notice of Availability for this Draft General Permit in the Federal Register on May 11, 2020. The Draft General Permit, Fact Sheet, and supporting information are provided in the links below. The original public comment period was scheduled to close on June 10, 2020. EPA has extended the public comment period through July 10, 2020. Comments must be submitted by the close of the comment period either in hard copy form or electronically to the address below:
Nathan Chien (
U.S. EPA, Region 1
5 Post Office Square, Suite-100 (06-1)
Boston, MA 02109-3912
Due to the Covid-19 National Emergency, if comments are submitted in hard copy form, please also email a copy to
EPA Contacts
Nathan Chien (, 617-918-1649
Danielle Gaito (, 617-918-1297
State Contacts
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Cathy Vakalopoulos (, 617-348-4026
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
Hayley Franz (, 603-271-0671
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
Amy Polaczyk (, 802-490-6185