Documents related to EPA's preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) to analyze the potential impacts related to the issuance of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for the Rose Canyon Sustainable Aquaculture Project.
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Scoping Comments: Rose Canyon Sustainable Aquaculture Project (PDF)(157 pp, 58 MB,
Comment letters submitted relating to the Rose Canyon Sustainable Aquaculture Project.
Public Notice of Scoping: Rose Canyon Sustainable Aquaculture Project (revised) (PDF)(1 pg, 67 K,
Public Notice announcing the Rose Canyon Sustainable Aquaculture Project scoping process, inviting comments from Federal, State, and local agencies, Indian tribes, and the public to help identify potential environmental impacts and reasonable alternatives for the EPA's Environment Assessment (EA) to examine.
NPDES Permit Application: Rose Canyon Sustainable Aquaculture Project (PDF)(7 pp, 4 MB,
Application for permit to discharge wastewater concentrated animal feeding operations and aquatic animal production facilities.
Executive Summary: Rose Canyon Sustainable Aquaculture Project (PDF)(32 pp, 18 MB,
Executive Summary: Rose Canyon Sustainable Aquaculture Project; submitted by Rose Canyon Fisheries.
Final Report: Rose Canyon Fisheres Sustainable Aquaculture Project by Marine Research Specialists (PDF)(166 pp, 37 MB,
Analysis of Potential Environmental Impacts: Rose Canyon Sustainable Aquaculture Project; submitted by Rose Canyon Fisheries.