The final National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit No. GMG290000 for existing and new sources and new dischargers in the Offshore Subcategory of the Oil and Gas Extraction Point Source Category, located in and discharging to the Outer Continental Shelf offshore of Louisiana and Texas was reissued on September 19, 2017, with an effective date of October 1, 2017. Permittees covered by the previous version of the permit that expires on September 30, 2017, will be automatically covered by the reissued permit starting October 1, 2017, until April 1, 2018, but must submit an electronic Notice of Intent by April 1, 2018, to continue coverage past that date.
These documents support EPA's decision to reissue the NDPES General Permit for Offshore Oil and Gas Operations in the Western Gulf of Mexico (NPDES GMG290000).
For more information about this page please contact:
Regional Coordinator and Enforcement Officer
Mitty Mohon (, 214-665-6497
Offshore Specialist
Sharon Angove (, 214-665-6472
Fax: 214-665-2168
Note: Sharon handles general permit applications and processing of Discharge Monitoring Reports.
Offshore Permit Writer
Isaac Chen (, 214-665-7364
Note: Contact Isaac for all non-enforcement questions.
Mailing Address
For Notices of Intent (NOIs), Notices of Termination (NOTs), or Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs):
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
NPDES Water Compliance Section
Attn: Ms. Sharon Angove (6EN-WC)
1445 Ross Ave., Suite 1200
Dallas, TX 75202-2733
- FR Notice (PDF)(6 pp, 195 K, October 2, 2017)
- NPDES General Permit - Final (PDF)(144 pp, 2 MB, September 18, 2017)
- Fact Sheet for Final Permit Decision (PDF)(26 pp, 303 K, September 18, 2017)
- Response to Comments (PDF)(40 pp, 284 K, September 18, 2017)
Record of Decision (PDF)(5 pp, 440 K,
The Record of Decision for EPA Adoption of Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Gulf of Mexico OCS Oil and Gas 2017-2022 Multisale
Memo to File: EPA Region VI Endangered Species Act Section 7(d) Determination Relating to Issuance of NPDES General Permit for Offshore Oil and Gas Operations in the Western Gulf of Mexico (NPDES No. GMG290000) (PDF)(5 pp, 327 K,
This Memorandum documents the determination that EPA Region 6 may proceed to reissue the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Offshore Oil and Gas Operations in the Western Gulf of Mexico prior to the completion of consultation under Section 7(a)(2) of the ESA..
- Essential Fish Habitat Assessment Supplement (PDF)(9 pp, 227 K)
GMG Import Template for the NetDMRs submission (PDF)(1 pg, 76 K,
The offshore industry can use the GMG Import template PDF document as an example of the fields necessary on a spreadsheet in submitting the NetDMRs that are due at the end of May 2018. To obtain the template as Excel spreadsheets, please contact one of the following: a. The Offshore Operator’s Committee (OOC’s) web page at: (further instructions will be posted). b. Email NetDMR Coordinator: c. Email Offshore Specialist:
GMG Import NODI Template for the NetDMRs submission (PDF)(1 pg, 6 K,
The offshore industry can use the GMG Import NODI template PDF document as an example of the fields necessary on a spreadsheet in submitting the NetDMRs that are due at the end of May 2018. To obtain the template as Excel spreadsheets, please contact one of the following: a. The Offshore Operator’s Committee (OOC’s) web page at: (further instructions will be posted). b. Email NetDMR Coordinator: c. Email Offshore Specialist: