Discharger: United States Air Force
Name of Facility: 1502 Wake Avenue, Wake Island, HI 96898
Facility Address: Reverse Osmosis Reject Water from Wake Island Airfield
This permit was issued on: November 20, 2015
This permit shall become effective on: December 1, 2015
This permit shall expire at midnight on: November 30, 2020
NPDES Permit No. MW0020338: Wake Island Airfield, Wake Island, HI (PDF)(13 pp, 580 K,
Authorization to Discharge Under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. MW0020338 for Reverse Osmosis Reject Water from United States Air Force Wake Island Airfield.
EPA Region 9 Standard Federal NPDES Permit Conditions (2011) (PDF)(15 pp, 93 K,
EPA Region 9 Standard Federal NPDES Permit Conditions, updated as of July 27, 2011.
NPDES Permit Fact Sheet: Wake Island Airfield, Wake Island, HI (PDF)(13 pp, 834 K,
EPA Fact Sheet for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. MW0020338 for Reverse Osmosis Reject Water from United States Air Force Wake Island Airfield.