Discharger Name: White Mountain Apache Tribe Public Works Department
Discharger Address: P.O. Box 1038, Whiteriver, AZ 85941
Facility Name: Canyon Day Sand and Gravel Wash Process Plant
Facility Location: 9802 Farm Road, Whiteriver, Gila County, Arizona 85941
Facility Rating: Minor
This permit was issued on: March 28, 2018
This permit shall become effective on: April 1, 2018
This permit shall expire at midnight on: March 31, 2023
NPDES Permit No. AZ0024511: Canyon Day Sand and Gravel Wash Process Plant (PDF)(29 pp, 1 MB,
Authorization to Discharge Under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. AZ0024511 for White Mountain Apache Tribe Public Works Department Canyon Day Sand and Gravel Wash Process Plant.
CWA 401 Certification: Canyon Day Sand and Gravel Wash Process Plant (PDF)(3 pp, 109 K,
Clean Water Act Section §401 Water Quality Certification for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit No. AZ0024511 White Mountain Apache Tribe Canyon Day Sand and Gravel Wash Process Plant.
NPDES Permit Fact Sheet: Canyon Day Sand and Gravel Wash Process Plant (PDF)(11 pp, 422 K,
EPA Fact Sheet for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit No. AZ0024511 for the White Mountain Apache Tribe Public Works Department Canyon Day Sand and Gravel Wash Process Plant.