Documents for EPA's 2017 Construction General Permit.
- 2017 CGP - Permit (as modified June 2019) (not including appendices) (PDF)(71 pp, 856 K)
- Appendix A - Definitions and Acronyms (PDF)(12 pp, 225 K)
- Appendix B - Permit Areas Eligible for Coverage and EPA Regional Addresses (PDF)(6 pp, 238 K)
- Appendix C - Small Construction Waivers and Instructions (PDF)(3 pp, 95 K)
- Low Erosivity Waiver (LEW) Certification Form (PDF)(4 pp, 583 K)
- Appendix D - Endangered Species Act (ESA) Requirements (PDF)(8 pp, 180 K)
- Appendix E - Historic Property Screening Process (PDF)(4 pp, 130 K)
- Appendix F - List of Tier 3, Tier 2, and Tier 2.5 Waters (PDF)(14 pp, 216 K)
- Appendix G - Buffer Requirements (PDF)(21 pp, 1 MB)
- Appendix H - 2-Year, 24-Hour Storm Frequencies (PDF)(4 pp, 3 MB)
- Appendix I - Standard Permit Conditions (PDF)(8 pp, 120 K)
- Appendix J - Notice of Intent (NOI) Form and Instructions (PDF)(10 pp, 376 K)
- Appendix K - Notice of Termination (NOT) Form and Instructions (PDF)(4 pp, 185 K)
- Appendix L - Suggested Format for Request for Chemical Treatment (PDF)(4 pp, 201 K)
- 2017 CGP - Fact Sheet (PDF)(98 pp, 982 K)
- Excerpt of changes between original 2017 CGP and final modified 2017 CGP (PDF)(6 pp, 156 K)