National Menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater-Construction
Disclaimer: The BMP examples and references included on these fact sheets are not intended to be comprehensive. Additionally, the list of BMPs is not all-inclusive, and it does not preclude MS4s from using other technically sound practices.
Uncontrolled stormwater runoff from construction sites can significantly impact rivers, lakes, and estuaries. Sediment in waterbodies from construction sites can reduce the amount of sunlight reaching aquatic plants, clog fish gills, smother aquatic habitat and spawning areas, and impede navigation.
Phase II municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) are required to develop a program to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff to the MS4 for construction sites disturbing one or more acres. This primarily includes developing:
- An ordinance,
- Requirements to implement erosion and sediment control best managment practices (BMPs),
- Requirements to control other waste at the construction site,
- Procedures for reviewing construction site plans,
- Procedures to receive and consider information submitted by the public, and
- Procedures for inspections and enforcement of stormwater requirements at construction sites.
In addition to the stormwater requirements that Phase II MS4s place on construction sites, construction operators may also need to apply for NPDES permit coverage, generally if their project disturbs more than 1 acre and discharges to a waterbody.
- EPA's stormwater construction website – Describes NPDES permit requirements.
Key BMPs and Resources
MS4s addressing the construction minimum measure should focus on the following key BMPs to help them in developing a stormwater construction program.
- Construction Site Runoff Control Minimum Control Measure (Phase II Fact Sheet 2.6)
- Local Ordinances for Construction Site Runoff Control
- Construction Phase Plan Review
- Contractor Training and Certification
- Municipal Construction Inspection Program
EPA is updating the fact sheets above. You can request a copy or recommend any changes by filling out and submitting the form at the bottom of the NPDES Contact Us webpage.
BMP Fact Sheets
EPA is updating the following fact sheets. You can request a copy or recommend any changes by filling out and submitting the form at the bottom of the NPDES Contact Us webpage.
The fact sheets describe the BMPs and generally provide applicability, implementation, and effectiveness information to help municipal stormwater and construction site operators comply with the stormwater Phase II requirements.
Municipal Program Oversight
- Construction Phase Plan Review
- Contractor Training and Certification
- Local Ordinances for Construction Site Runoff Control
- Municipal Construction Inspection Program
Construction Site Planning and Management
- Construction Sequencing
- Construction Site Operator BMP Inspection and Maintenance
- Land Grading
- Preserving Natural Vegetation
Erosion Control
- Chemical Stabilization
- Compost Blankets
- Dust Control
- Geotextiles
- Gradient Terraces
- Mulching
- Riprap
- Seeding
- Sodding
- Soil Retention
- Soil Roughening
- Temporary Slope Drain
- Temporary Stream Crossings
- Wind Fences and Sand Fences
Runoff Control
- Check Dams
- Grass-Lined Channels
- Permanent Slope Diversions
- Temporary Diversion Dikes
Sediment Control
- Brush Barrier
- Compost Filter Berms
- Compost Filter Socks
- Construction Entrances
- Fiber Rolls
- Filter Berms
- Sediment Basins and Rock Dams
- Sediment Filters and Sediment Chambers
- Sediment Traps
- Silt Fences
- Storm Drain Inlet Protection
- Straw or Hay Bales
- Vegetated Buffers
Good Housekeeping/Materials Management
- Concrete Washout
- General Construction Site Waste Management
- Spill Prevention and Control Plan
- Vehicle Maintenance and Washing Areas at Construction Sites
- Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Web Site Exit provides plain language information on environmental rules, including stormwater, for the construction industry.
- Model Illicit Discharge and Connection Stormwater Ordinance - Includes erosion and sediment control ordinance language.
- Urban Management Measures Guidance - Chapter 5 focuses on construction site erosion, sediment, and chemical control.
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans for Construction Activities - Steps necessary to develop a stormwater pollution prevention plan for construction activity.
- Outreach Materials for the Construction Industry – Includes brochures in English and Spanish and a poster.
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Stormwater Guidance Exit
- Stormwater Construction Inspection Guide Exit(35 pp, 5.77 MB, About PDF) - Describes how municipal inspectors should conduct construction site inspections.
- Stormwater Compliance Assistance Tool Kit for Small Construction Operators Exit(44 pp, 500 K, About PDF) - Guidance to help small construction operators comply with their stormwater requirements.
- Kentucky Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control Field Guide
- 2005 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington: Volume II -- Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Exit - Describes 12 elements of construction SWPPPs and BMP standards and specifications.