National Menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater-Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping
Disclaimer: The BMP examples and references included on these fact sheets are not intended to be comprehensive. Additionally, the list of BMPs is not all-inclusive, and it does not preclude MS4s from using other technically sound practices.
Preventing pollutants from entering a waterway is less expensive than restoring a waterway after it’s been polluted. Therefore, programs should first focus on preventing pollution before it happens. BMPs under each of the minimum measures, but especially under this pollution prevention category, focus on preventing pollutants from contacting stormwater.
Municipal activities such as winter road maintenance, minor road repairs, and other infrastructure work, automobile fleet maintenance, landscaping and park maintenance, and building maintenance can release pollutants into MS4s that ultimately discharge to nearby waterbodies. Municipal facilities can also be sources of stormwater pollutants if BMPs are not in place to contain spills, manage trash, and handle non-stormwater discharges.
Sweeping parking lots and streets and cleaning storm drains can prevent pollutants from entering nearby waterways.
- Potential Pollutants Likely Associated with Specific Municipal Facilities - Table listing the pollutants that are typically associated with municipal facilities and municipal activities.
Phase II MS4s must train their staff to prevent and reduce stormwater pollution from activities like maintaining MS4 infrastructure and performing daily municipal activities, such as park and open space maintenance, fleet and building maintenance, and new construction and land disturbances. This primarily includes:
- Developing inspection and maintenance procedures and schedules for stormwater BMPs
- Implementing BMPs to treat pollutants from transportation infrastructure, maintenance areas, storage yards, sand and salt storage areas, and waste transfer stations
- Establishing procedures for properly disposing of pollutants removed from the MS4
- Identifying ways to incorporate water quality controls into new and existing flood management projects
- Developing a training program for all municipal staff involved in activities that could discharge pollutants to the MS4
- Developing standard operating procedures that incorporate stormwater BMPs for common municipal activities
Key BMPS and Resources
The key BMP to addressing the good housekeeping minimum measure is the development of an employee training and education program. Common municipal activities and facilities which should be addressed in the training program are described in individual fact sheets in the next section below.
- California Municipal Stormwater BMP Handbook
- Phase II Fact Sheet on Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Minimum Control Measure
- Municipal Employee Training and Education BMP Fact Sheet- EPA is updating this fact sheet. You can request a copy by filling out and submitting the form at the bottom of the NPDES Contact Us webpage.
BMP Fact Sheets
EPA is updating the following fact sheets. You can request a copy or recommend any changes by filling out and submitting the form at the bottom of the NPDES Contact Us webpage.
The fact sheets describe the BMPs and generally provide applicability, implementation, and effectiveness information to help municipal stormwater and construction site operators comply with the stormwater Phase II requirements.
- Municipal Employee Training and Education
Municipal Activities
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Coal-Tar Sealcoat, and Stormwater Pollution
- Municipal Landscaping
- Municipal Vehicle Fueling
- Municipal Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance
- Municipal Vehicle and Equipment Washing
- Parking Lot and Street Cleaning
- Road Salt Application and Storage
- Roadway and Bridge Maintenance
- Storm Drain System Cleaning
Municipal Facilities
- Hazardous Materials Storage
- Materials Management
- Municipal Facilities Management
- Spill Response and Prevention
- Urban Management Measures Guidance - Chapters 7, 9, and 11 address some of the issues found in this minimum measure.
- 2012 Stormwater Management Manual for Western Washington: Volume IV - Source Control BMPs
- Example Good Housekeeping Practices - Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program
- Example Guidance Document for Municipality Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping Best Management Techniques - Erie County Department of Environment and Planning
- Example Guideline for Street Sweepings and Catch Basin Cleanings - State of Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection