National Menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater
Disclaimer: The BMP examples and references included on these fact sheets are not intended to be comprehensive. Additionally, the list of BMPs is not all-inclusive, and it does not preclude MS4s from using other technically sound practices.
First released in October 2000, the menu of BMPs is based on the stormwater Phase II rule's six minimum control measures. EPA has found the practices listed in the menu of BMPs to be representative of the types of practices that can successfully achieve the minimum control measures.
The list of BMPs is not all-inclusive, and it does not preclude MS4s from using other technically sound practices. However, the practice or set of practices chosen needs to achieve the minimum measure.
Stormwater management practices that are already being used should be recognized and appropriate credit given to those who have already made progress toward protecting water quality. There is no need to spend additional resources for a practice that is already in existence and operational.
- Measurable Goals Guidance for Phase II Small MS4s - Designed to help small MS4 operators comply with the measurable goals permitting requirements.
- Urban Management Measures Guidance - Guidance to help municipalities and citizens in urban areas protect waterbodies from polluted runoff resulting from everyday activities.
Effective stormwater management often occurs by using a holistic system management approach. This approach takes into account the effectiveness of each stormwater practice, the costs of each practice, and resulting overall cost and effectiveness rather than looking at each practice in isolation. Some individual practices may not be effective alone but, in combination with others, may provide a key function in highly effective systems.