NPDES Permit Writers' Course
The objective of the NPDES Permit Writers' Course is to provide the basic regulatory framework and technical considerations that support the development of wastewater discharge permits as required under the NPDES Permit Program.
The course is designed for new permit writers, highlighting the process of developing, issuing, and complying with NPDES permits. Experienced permit writers wanting a refresher course and other water program staff wanting to learn more about the NPDES program are welcome.
The format of the course is a combination of lecture, case examples, and practical exercises that are geared to acquaint participants with the tools and resources available to assist them in writing NPDES permits.
Course Information
- Course Size: Approximately 40-60 participants
- Cost: Free
- Time: 5 days (Monday through Friday) - Check-in and on-site registration begins at 11:00 am on Monday. The course ends by 1:00 pm on Friday.
- Course Sponsor: EPA Water Permits Division partners with states and EPA regional offices to host the NPDES permit writers' course. If your state or region is interested in hosting a course, please call or email the contact listed below.
- Course Contact:
Sean Ramach (
- Course Contact:
Recorded Presentations
- View recorded presentations of materials from previous sessions.