Stormwater Discharges from Transportation Sources-State DOTs
Many state departments of transportation (DOTs) maintain a stormwater website where they post their NPDES permit, program-related information, and specific actions they are taking to reduce stormwater pollution.
Visit the following non-EPA websites to learn more about how state DOTs are managing stormwater runoff.
The following links exit the site Exit
Other Federal Websites
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)— Reports and guidance for transportation departments to better control stormwater along highways.
- U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) —An overview of stormwater, common concerns, publications, and other useful information.
State DOT Stormwater Websites
- Alabama DOT (ALDOT)
- Alaska DOT & Public Facilities Resources (Alaska DOT&PF)
- Arkansas DOT (Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department – AHTD)
- Arizona DOT (ADOT)
- California DOT (Caltrans)
- Colorado DOT (CDOT)
- Connecticut DOT (ConnDOT)
- Delaware DOT (DelDOT)
- Hawaii DOT (HDOT)
- Indiana DOT (INDOT)
- Florida DOT (FDOT)
- Illinois DOT (IDOT)
- Kansas DOT (KDOT)
- Louisiana DOT (Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development - DOTD)
- Michigan DOT (MDOT)
- Minnesota DOT (MnDOT)
- Mississippi DOT (MDOT)
- Missouri DOT (MoDOT)
- Montana DOT (MDT)
- Nebraska DOT (NDOR)
- Nevada DOT (NDOT)
- New York State DOT (NYSDOT)
- North Carolina DOT (NCDOT)
- North Dakota DOT (NDDOT)
- Ohio DOT (ODOT)
- Oregon DOT (ODOT)
- Pennsylvania DOT (PennDOT)
- Rhode Island DOT (RIDOT)
- South Carolina DOT (SCDOT)
- South Dakota DOT (SDDOT)
- Tennessee DOT (TDOT)
- Texas DOT (TxDOT)
- Utah DOT (UDOT)
- Vermont DOT (VTrans)
- Virginia DOT (VDOT)
- Washington State DOT (WSDOT)
- West Virginia DOT (WVDOT)
- Wisconsin DOT (WisDOT)