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National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)

Stormwater Maintenance

Mark your calendars. It's time for cleaning.

""On your mark. Get Set. Go. It's time for maintenance! So break out your list of stormwater controls, maintenance schedules, and inspection forms, find a pen, pencil, or computer, and let's start prioritizing and cleaning!

Now is the time to consider developing an operation and maintenance (O&M) plan or manual if you don’t already have one. O&M plans may include basic elements such as:

  • Identification of the parties responsible for maintenance
  • Maintenance schedules
  • Inspection requirements
  • Frequency of inspections
  • Easements or covenants for maintenance
  • Identification of a funding source
  • Description of basic maintenance activities like weeding, mulching, trimming of shrubs and trees, replanting, sediment and debris removal, and inlet/outlet cleaning
See below for:

Maintenance Descriptions and EPA Resources

  • Catch Basin Inserts
    Typical maintenance of catch basins includes trash removal if a screen or other debris capturing device is used, and removal of sediment using a vactor truck. Operators need to be properly trained in catch basin maintenance. Maintenance should include keeping a log of the amount of sediment collected and the date of removal. Some cities have incorporated the use of GIS systems to track sediment collection and to optimize future catch basin cleaning efforts.
  • Green Infrastructure Maintenance
    Maintenance of green infrastructure generally requires more labor and less heavy equipment than maintenance of gray infrastructure. Learn about what to look for when you inspect green infrastructure and how frequently to conduct maintenance activities.
  • Wet Ponds and Wetlands
    Wet ponds and wetlands assist communities in developing an integrated stormwater management systems which includes proper maintenance of existing wet ponds and wetlands, the exploration of retrofit opportunities, and implementation of micro-treatment practices and design principles.

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State Best Management Practice Manuals and Maintenance Information

Many state manuals have information on best management practices, maintenance schedules, and various checklists that can be used when performing maintenance. Some of these resources are listed below.

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  • Connecticut
    • Stormwater Quality Manual provides guidance on the measures necessary to protect the waters of Connecticut from the adverse impacts of post-construction stormwater runoff. This manual focuses on site planning, source control, and stormwater treatment practices. It is intended for use as a planning tool and design guidance document by the regulated and regulatory communities involved in stormwater quality management.
    • Maintenance inspection checklist is part of the Stormwater Quality Manual that provides a list of typical maintenance actions needed for stormwater best management practices.
  • Delaware
  • Iowa
    • Stormwater Manual provides stormwater management strategies on traditional flood control practices and green infrastructure practices, uniform sizing criteria, and maintenance criteria.
  • Kansas and Missouri
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
    • Massachusetts Stormwater Handbook identifies three components of stormwater management including (1) site planning, (2) source controls, pollution prevention, and construction period erosion and sediment controls, and (3) design, construct, and maintenance of structural best management practices. It also includes stormwater management standards, best management practices, and other useful information.
    • Checklist for a stormwater report that includes maintenance considerations at the end of the document.
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
    • Minnesota Stormwater Manual gives stormwater managers best management designs, models/techniques, operation and maintenance information, case studies, and other helpful information.
  • New Hampshire
    • New Hampshire Stormwater Manual includes information for the selection, design, and application of ways to manage stormwater including source controls, design techniques (including low impact development), structural practices, and construction practices to minimize adverse hydrologic and water quality impacts.
  • New Jersey
    • New Jersey Stormwater Best Management Practices Manual includes examples of ways to meet New Jersey standards. It includes introductory chapters on stormwater, maintenance, and retrofit of stormwater management measures to be included and considered in maintenance plans, and other information.
    • Maintenance Guidance provides maintenance plan, field manuals, maintenance logs, and other information to help design engineers and responsible parties to comply with the maintenance requirements for stormwater management measures.
  • South Carolina

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Mosquito Control Resources

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