Clean Water Act Section 319(h) funds are provided only to designated state and tribal agencies to implement their approved nonpoint source management programs. State and tribal nonpoint source programs include a variety of components, including technical assistance, financial assistance, education, training, technology transfer, demonstration projects, and regulatory programs. Each year, EPA awards Section 319(h) funds to states in accordance with a state-by-state allocation formula that EPA has developed in consultation with the states.
Section 319(h) funding decisions are made by the states. States submit their proposed funding plans to EPA. If a state’s funding plan is consistent with grant eligibility requirements and procedures, EPA then awards the funds to the state.
For state-specific application information, please contact your state NPS coordinator.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.-
Nonpoint Source Program and Grants Guidelines for States and Territories (PDF)(78 pp, 780 K,
April 2013)
: Issued on April 12, 2013. These guidelines apply to all §319-funded grant activities beginning in fiscal year 2014.
Section 319 Program Guidance: Key Components of an Effective State Nonpoint Source Management Program (PDF)(7 pp, 71 K,
November 2012 )
This 2012 guidance is an update to guidance issued by EPA in 1997. The guidance contains a description of the key components that characterize and effective state nonpoint source (NPS) management program.
Section 319 Grants Streamlining Policy and Program Expectations for Expenditure of Funds (PDF)(4 pp, 158 K)
This May 9, 2013 memorandum issues guidance on grants streamlining specific to the national Clean Water Act section 319 Nonpoint Source program and provides national program expectations regarding the rate of expenditure of funds by the states.