Through the National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Program (NNPSMP), states monitor and evaluate a subset of watershed projects funded by the Clean Water Act Section 319 Nonpoint Source Control Program. The program has two major objectives:
- To scientifically evaluate the effectiveness of watershed technologies designed to control nonpoint source pollution
- To improve our understanding of nonpoint source pollution
- guidance on data collection,
- implementation of pollution control technologies and monitoring design,
- case studies that illustrate principles in action.
Prepared by Tetratech, Inc. for US EPA. (TechNOTES were updated in October 2016 to reflect current urls.)
Tech Notes 10 Supplemental Materials(9 pp, 101 K) Zip file includes Excel and R files
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Tech Notes 1: Monitoring Data Exploring Your Data, The First Step (PDF)(14 pp, 229 K, July 2005)
- Tech Notes 2: Designing Water Quality Monitoring Programs for Watershed Projects (PDF)(20 pp, 188 K, July 2005)
- Tech Notes 3 Surface Water Flow Measurement for Water Quality Monitoring Projects (PDF)(16 pp, 2 MB, March 2008)
- Tech Notes: 4 Lag Time in Water Quality Response to Land Treatment (PDF)(16 pp, 2 MB, September 2008)
- Technotes 5: Using Biological and Habitat Monitoring Data to Plan Watershed Projects (PDF)(16 pp, 2 MB, September 2008)
- Tech Notes 6: Statistical Analysis for Monotonic Trends (PDF)(23 pp, 704 K, November 2011)
- Tech Notes 7: Minimum Detectable Change Analysis (PDF)(21 pp, 320 K, December 2011)
- Tech Notes 8: Pollutant Load Estimation for Water Quality Monitoring Projects (PDF)(21 pp, 1 MB, April 2013)
- Tech Notes 9: Monitoring for Microbial Pathogens and Indicators (PDF)(29 pp, 3 MB, September 2013)
- Tech Notes 10: Baseline Assessment of Left-Censored Environmental Data Using R (PDF)(28 pp, 3 MB, June 2014)
- Tech Notes 11: Land Use and BMP Tracking for NPS Watershed Projects (PDF)(36 pp, 2 MB, August 2014)
- Tech Notes 12: Explanatory Variables: Improving the Ability to Detect Changes in Water Quality in Nonpoint Source Watershed Studies (PDF)(45 pp, 2 MB, August 2014)