NPS pollution is the nation's largest remaining water quality problem—and a community of more than 2,500 individuals from federal, state and local government and numerous public and private organizations uses NPSINFO to share information on how to address this problem.
- Purpose and Welcome Message
NPSINFO is a public forum for discussion of runoff pollution issues of a technical, applied or academic nature, including unregulated nonpoint source (NPS) pollution issues and regulated stormwater issues, as well as for brief on-topic announcements. It is sponsored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds (OWOW) and administered by OWOW's Nonpoint Source Control Branch. This list welcomes participants from across public and private sectors, including government agencies, non-profits and other organizations, researchers, educators, local water managers, industry, the agricultural community, and concerned individuals. The range of topics that are appropriate for discussing on NPSINFO include:
- agricultural runoff
- urban runoff
- low impact development and green stormwater infrastructurel
- watershed planning, management, and restorationt
- hydrologic modification
- aquatic habitat modification
- NPS pollution prevention
- NPS/stormwater education and outreach
- funding for NPS/stormwater control
- technology options for controlling NPS pollution
Your experience and input are valuable to others, and we encourage you to share it on NPSINFO. All of the following types of posts are welcome in NPSINFO, provided they are directly related to managing NPS pollution or regulated stormwater runoff:
- questions, answers, and informed opinions
- announcements
- conference notices
- News articles and job postings that are directly related to NPS/stormwater runoff issues may be posted to NPSINFO, as well
The preferred format for articles and job postings is to provide a short announcement with a Web link for more information. The goal of NPSINFO is to exchange information about nonpoint source pollution control and stormwater management. Therefore, this list is open to discussion on the wide range of NPS/stormwater topics, but subscribers who stray off-topic will be asked to continue their discussion elsewhere. In order to make the best use of subscribers' space and time, please hold personal discussions via private e-mail. While spirited exchange is great, no flames will be tolerated.
- Joining and Contributing to NPSINFO
To Join NPSINFO - Send an e-mail message to and include in the subject line or the body of the message:
Subscribe NPSINFO [Your First Name] [Your Last Name] (e.g., Subscribe NPSINFO John Smith)
Please use your actual name when subscribing (first and last names; a nickname is fine if this is how you are commonly known). Subscription requests that lack valid names will be rejected. You will receive a confirmation message on the acceptance or rejection of your request. Confirmed subscribers will also receive an automated welcome message that includes important information about their subscription.
Contributing Messages to NPSINFO - To post a message to the list, send it to Only subscribers can post messages.
Attachments Not Allowed - To greatly minimize the risk of spreading viruses or other malicious software, NPSINFO does not accept attachments. This is an EPA-wide policy for all of its electronic lists. Please do not attempt to send attachments to the list. Attachments sent to the list will be automatically stripped, but will often generate extremely long strings of gibberish at the end of your message. Messages posted to NPSINFO may specify arrangements for sharing files off-list (e.g., offering to send files privately upon request or providing l inks to FTP sites or Web sites where files may be downloaded).
- Leaving NPSINFO
To unsubscribe, do one of the following:
1. Follow the simple instructions at the footer appended to every posted message.
2. Send a blank message to:
3. Use the listserver's web interface to unsubscribe. Log in by entering your subscribed e-mail address (and password, if you have one). Then, select the "My Forums" tab and click on the "unsubscribe" link to the right of the list name.
- Consequences for Misusing NPSINFO
Because of the instantaneous nature of electronic lists, EPA cannot be responsible for the content of messages that appear on this list. Inappropriate or unprofessional postings will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. To err is human, but it takes computer technology to magnify that error to the thousands of NPSINFO list subscribers. Penalties can range from warnings to outright bans (removal of offending subscriber from member rolls and automated rejection of subsequent requests to rejoin the list).
- Inappropriate Uses of NPSINFO
Commercial advertising is not allowed in general; however, if a product or service is directly and primarily relevant to the nonpoint source or stormwater management community, a short announcement with reference or link to more information elsewhere is acceptable. The linking page must be limited to a description of the particular product or service featured in the announcement; it is not to be a general marketing page for other products and services. Short announcements for educational webinars and webcasts that are directly and primarily relevant to the nonpoint source or stormwater management community may be posted to the list. However, announcements for presentations that are intended to promote proprietary products or services are not allowed.
If you are a vendor, consultant, or are otherwise selling a product or service, do not use contact information obtained from postings to this list to call or pay a visit on your fellow subscribers without first obtaining their permission by way of a brief e-mail request sent off-list. Subscribers to NPSINFO have an expectation that queries or information posted to an EPA list such as NPSINFO will not subject them to unwanted attention from commercial interests. Do not use this list to "mine" names or other contact information from people who post to this list. EPA will investigate complaints from subscribers who report being subjected to violations of this policy. Complaints should be sent
Those who violate this policy will be banned from this list. EPA further reserves the right to remove all subscribers affiliated with businesses that fail to control employees engaged in these practices.
While the expression of opposing views is a hallmark of useful discussion, it is not appropriate to use the list to send negative messages. Messages should conform to professional standards and ethics. Do not post content that infringes copyrights or violates sharing agreements for restricted content. Personal attacks, sweeping generalizations, conspiracy theories, and unsubstantiated accusations or claims are some of the things that have no place on NPSINFO. It should go without saying that it is not appropriate to post messages of a personal or political nature.
Finally, it is not appropriate to use this EPA list to advocate for EPA policy changes, including disseminating comments on EPA rule-making efforts, or to "mine" names or other contact information from list subscribers for this purpose. This list is for discussion of technical issues and short announcements pertaining to controlling runoff pollution.
- A Word about Security
NPSINFO is a Lyris ListManager electronic mailing list, hosted on a server and supported by the US EPA. We are guests on this server and should behave as such. Please behave in an ethical and trustworthy manner, meaning:
- Do not attempt to access, change or delete data unless you are authorized to do so.
- Do not allow others to use your membership privileges.
- Notify the list owners if you suspect or detect a security incident on the list.
- Follow the rules of conduct as specified by the list owners.
- EPA's Office of Technology Operations and Planning recommends that you password-protect your subscription. If you utilize passwords, change the password every 90 days. Use at least 8 characters in the password in an alpha and numeric mix. Passwords should be memorized and not written down. Failure to follow these rules may result in penalties, such as removal from the list and loss of privileges.
- Rules of Conduct for Posting to NPSINFO
(Thanks to Dr. William James, Professor Emeritus, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, for providing the original list from which this is based.)
- Review your messages before posting them. Keep them professional and polite. Remember: "THINK" before "SEND."
- Include meaningful subject headers. Digest-mode subscribers need to be especially vigilant since the original subject lines in digest mode are buried within a compiled message that uses a generic header.
- Identify yourself and your affiliation. Consider providing additional contact information, as well. Do not post anonymously.
- While the expression of opposing views is a hallmark of useful discussion, never use the list to send negative messages. Messages should conform to professional standards and ethics. Personal attacks, sweeping generalizations, conspiracy theories, and unsubstantiated accusations or claims are some of the things that have no place on NPSINFO.
- All posted messages must be directly related to the primary purpose of the list. The purpose for NPSINFO is to facilitate discussion of nonpoint source/stormwater runoff pollution issues. Don't post personal or political messages to the list. If you are uncertain about whether or not a message is appropriate for NPSINFO, contact the list owner (via npsinfo-owner [at] first.
- Messages should be succinct. If the primary information resides on the Web, the message should be limited to a brief introduction or overview with a link to the Web page. Do not post content that infringes copyrights or violates sharing agreements for restricted content.
- Each posted message should be limited to a single topic.
- As a courtesy to your fellow subscribers, don't echo back long message strings. Make the effort to delete extraneous portions of ongoing topic threads.
- Never send a message when you are angry or upset. Don't react to a flame or provocative message sent to the list by sending one of your own back to the list. If you feel that a message posted to NPSINFO is inappropriate, you may let EPA's list owners know by sending a message to npsinfo-owner [at]
- If your message has inadvertently offended other subscribers, post a brief apology for the unintended impact of that message along with any clarifying remarks.
- Be patient with inexperienced list users and novices to topics discussed on NPSINFO.
- Give senders the benefit of the doubt.
- Reply directly to the sender rather than the list, unless you perceive your reply to be of general interest. Don't send "Amen" messages, or other single-sentence messages that don't contribute anything useful, to the list.
- Managing your Subscription (PDF)(2 pp, 109 K)
- NPSINFO Forum Fact Sheet (PDF)(2 pp, 819 K)