Manuals and Practices:
Gravel Roads: Maintenance and Design Manual: This manual was developed with a major emphasis on the maintenance of gravel roads, including some basic design elements. The purpose of the manual is to provide clear and helpful information for doing a better job of maintaining gravel roads.
Environmentally Sensitive Maintenance for Dirt and Gravel Roads: This manual identifies, documents, and encourages the use of environmentally sensitive maintenance of dirt and gravel roads.
Low-Volume Roads Engineering Best Management Practices Field Guide This guide is intended to provide an overview of the key planning, location, design, construction and maintenance aspects of roads that can cause adverse environmental impacts and to list key ways to prevent those impacts.
Road Maintenance Video Set ExitThe "Road Maintenance Video Set" is a five-part video series developed for USDA Forest Service equipment operators. It focuses on environmentally sensitive ways of maintaining low volume roads.
US Forest Service's Water-Road Interaction Project Documents This project examines the interactions between water and roads in terms of surface drainage, subsurface drainage and drainage crossings.
Recommended Practices Manual: A Guideline for Maintenance and Service of Unpaved Roads (PDF)(69 pp, 459 K,
February 2000)
This is a manual of standard procedures, produced by Choctawhatchee, Pea and Yellow Rivers Watershed Management Authority, which describes and illustrates cost effective techniques and practices which can be used to enhance stability and maintenance of unpaved roadways while reducing sedimentation and improving the quality of surface waters.