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Polluted Runoff: Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution

Urban Runoff: Additional Resources

Information Resources and Centers

​Other EPA Resources

Fact Sheets, Presentations and Reports

Information Resources and Centers

  • Center for Watershed Protection ExitThe Center for Watershed Protection works with local, state and federal governmental agencies, environmental consulting firms, watershed organizations and the general public to provide objective and scientifically sound information on effective techniques to protect and restore urban watersheds.
  • Stormwater Manager's Resource Center ExitThe Stormwater Manager's Resource Center (SMRC) is designed specifically for stormwater practitioners, local government officials and others that need technical assistance on stormwater management issues.
  • Low Impact Development Center ExitThe Low Impact Development Center was established to develop and provide information to individuals and organizations dedicated to protecting the environment and water resources through proper site design techniques that replicate pre-existing hydrologic site conditions.
  • American Society of Civil Engineers ExitThe ASCE provides a variety of resources to both members and non-members. Visit this site to learn more about upcoming events, current issues and membership opportunities.
  • American Water Resources Association ExitThe American Water Resources Association is a non-profit professional association dedicated to the advancement of men and women in water resources management, research and education.
  • International Stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) Database ExitThis database provides access to stormwater BMP performance data in a standardized format for over 530 BMP studies conducted over the past fifteen years. The database was developed by the Urban Water Resources Research Council (UWRRC) of ASCE under a cooperative agreement with the US Environmental Protection Agency.
  • Urban and Coastal Community Conservation Resources ExitThe National Association of Conservation Districts provide urban and community conservation resources and give conservation districts and their partners a place to gather information and exchange ideas about their urban and community conservation activities.
  • Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) ExitNEMO provides municipal officials with technical assistance and training in linking land use to water quality.

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​Other EPA Topic Resources

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Fact Sheets, Presentations and Reports

You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.
  • Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff (PDF)(2 pp, 225 K, February 2003, EPA 841-F-03-003)
  • National Conference on Urban Stormwater: Enhancing Programs at the Local Level (PDF)(625 pp, 23 MB, February 2003, EPA/625/R-03/003)
    A wide array of effective storm water management and resource protection tools have been developed for urban environments, but their implementation continues to be hampered by a lack of technology transfer opportunities. At the national conference Urban StormWater: Enhancing Programs at the Local Level (February 17-20, 2003), attendees learned about state-of-the-art technologies and implementation programs that have proven success in local communities.
  • Guidance for Municipal Stormwater Funding (PDF)(140 pp, 627 K, January 2006)
    The focus of this guidance is to provide a resource to local governments as they address contemporary stormwater program financing challenges. The guidance includes procedural, legal, and financial considerations in developing viable funding approaches. The guidance examines a range of possible approaches to paying for stormwater management, but the focus is on guidelines for developing service/user/utility fees to support these programs.
  • Techniques for Tracking, Evaluating, and Reporting the Implementation of Nonpoint Source Control Measures Urban (PDF)(105 pp, 974 K, January 2001, EPA 841-B-00-007)
    This guidance is intended to assist federal, state, regional, and local environmental professionals in tracking the implementation of best management practices (BMPs) used to control urban nonpoint source pollution.