El Paso Merchant Energy Company - Permitting Information
1. Facility Information
El Paso Merchant Energy Company
2. Location
Arkona Road, East 2/3 of South 1/2, Section 30, T4S, R7E, Augusta Township, Washtenaw County, Michigan
3. Distance from US/Canada Border
approximative 60 kilometers
4. Facility Type and Size
new electric power generation facility
5. Sources of Emissions
three combustion turbines (170 MW each)
6. Type of Fuel
natural gas
7. Type and Quantity of Emissions
- NOx: 773.2 tons per year (tpy)
- CO: 388.6 tpy
- VOC: 37.9 tpy
- PM 10: 240.9 tpy
- SO2: 97.4 tpy
- formaldehyde: 3 tpy
- total HAPs: 9.7 tpy
8. Emission Control Technology
- for NOx control: dry low-NOx burners, and an emission limit of 9 parts per million by volume at 15% oxygen and on a dry gas basis (ppmvd)
- for CO control: proper and efficient combustion practices (good mixing of fuel and combustion air), and a limit of 7.9 ppmvd
- for PM10 control: efficient combustion practices along with the use of natural gas, and a limit of 18.4 pounds per hour for each turbine
- for SO2 and sulfuric acid mist: use of natural gas (low sulfur fuel), with a limit of sulfur not higher than 0.015 grains sulfur per standard cubic foot of natural gas
- for VOC control: a limit of 37.9 tons per 12-month rolling time period
9. Date Permit Application Received
10. Stack Height and Diameter
each turbine has a maximum diameter of 240 in, and a minimum height of 75 in.
11. Permit Agency Contact
Lori L. Peacock
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality,
Air Quality Division,
Hollister Building,
106 West Allegan Street
Lansing, MI, 48909
Tel. 517 373- 7082