EPA is finalizing a rule to correct minor errors that have accumulated over time in four NSR regulations. While these minor errors, including outdated cross references and typographical errors, have not materially impeded the effective operation of the NSR program, EPA believes that it is important to remove such errors from the regulations in order to provide regulatory certainty and clarity. The corrections are all considered to be non-substantive and are intended to provide clarity and precision to the NSR regulations without altering any NSR policy or changing the NSR program as a whole. EPA is also removing from the NSR regulations various provisions, such as certain “grandfathering” provisions, that, with the passage of time, no longer serve any practical function or purpose.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Final Error Corrections Rule (PDF)(81 pp, 522 K, January 5, 2021)
- Error Corrections Rule Factsheet (PDF)(1 pg, 187 K, January 5, 2021)
- Reference Table of New Source Review Error Corrections— Final Rule (PDF)(97 pp, 707 K, January 5, 2021)