Graymont Rexton
1. Facility Information
Graymont Rexton
2. Location
3. Distance from US/Canada Border
about 100km via auto
4. Facility Type and Size
Lime manufacturing plant
5. Sources of Emissions
coal fired rotary lime kiln, natural gas fired engine power plant, storage tanks, emergency generators, conveyors, screens, and truck/rail loading
6. Type of Fuel
Coal and natural gas
7. Type and Quantity of Emissions
Pollutant | Tons/Yr |
CO |
1363 |
NOx |
1151 |
PM10 |
110 |
PM2.5 |
78 |
SO2 |
602 |
313 |
8. Emission Control Technology
baghouses on the lime kiln and truck/rail loading and catalytic oxidizer on the natural gas engines
9. Date Permit Application Received
10. Stack Height and Diameter
Modeling information is available at following link:
11. Permit Agency Contact
517-284-6803 |