New Source Review Related Links
- RACT/BACT/LAER Clearinghouse (RBLC) database assists State/local agency personnel and private companies in determining what types of controls and pollution prevention measures have been applied to and/or are required for various sources and the effectiveness of these technologies.
- Permitting Under the Clean Air Act
- New Source Review Policy and Guidance Database is a searchable database which contains EPA-issued policy and guidance documents.
- Support Center for Regulatory Air Models (SCRAM) has information on atmospheric dispersion (air quality) models used in NSR permitting.
- Operating Permits Program discusses the kind of operating permit (called a title V operating permit) that most large sources and some smaller sources of air pollution are required to obtain.
- Environmental Appeals Board is the final Agency decisionmaker on administrative appeals under all major environmental statutes that the Agency administers.
- Environmental Justice website provides information about EPA's efforts to involve people of all race, color, national origin, and income in the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental regulations like NSR.
Compliance and enforcement information.
Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) database allows you to find pollution sources near you and their compliance history.
- The Air Quality Index (AQI) - AirNow tells you how clean the air is and whether it will affect your health. EPA, state, and local agencies work together to report current and forecast conditions for ozone and particle pollution.
- AirData gives you access to air pollution data for the entire United States including the location on nonattainment areas.
The U.S.-Canada Air Quality Agreement (AQA) Notification Table includes summaries of current and past notifications under the Agreement of planned new or modified facilities located in the U.S. Notifications of new or modified facilities located in Canada are found here.