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New Source Review (NSR) Permitting

Nucor Steel Auburn, Inc. - Permitting Information

1. Facility Information

Albar Industries

2. Location

Auburn, Cayuga County, New York 13021

3. Distance from US/Canada Border

approximately 45-60 miles

4. Facility Type and Size

Electric arc furnace steel mill with rolling mill. Approximately 600,000 tons per year of steel scrap is recycled.

5. Sources of Emissions

Principal emission sources are electric arc furnace and reheat furnace. Other minor, miscellaneous sources are present.

6. Type of Fuel

Electricity and natural gas are the principal fuels. Coal, coke, coke breeze and scrap tires may be used as carbon sources.

7. Type and Quantity of Emissions

Emission increases associated with the combined modifications are 377.8 tons per year (tpy) for CO, 57.9 tpy for NOx, 41.85 tpy for SO2, 23.9 tpy for VOCs and 2.32 tpy for particulates.

8. Emission Control Technology

Positive pressure baghouse for the EAF and Melt Shop; ultra low-NOx burners for the new reheat furnace.

9. Date Permit Application Received

May 20, 2003

10. Stack Height and Diameter

Baghouse has a ridge vent with a release height of 28.35 meters. Existing reheat furnace release height is 30.5 meters with a diameter of 1.83 meters

11. Permit Agency Contact

Frank Jon
US EPA Region 2