Permit Application Number: OD 2020-01 Research
Administrative Record related to Ocean Dumping Permit (OD 2020-01 RESEARCH) for Starkist Samoa Co., American Samoa.
The permit application submitted by StarKist Samoa Company (below) was reviewed by EPA Region 9 and a tentative determination was made to issue a research permit for ocean disposal of fish processing liquid wastes. Their application contains the proposal and description of ocean disposal operations, descriptions of the fish processing liquid wastes to be discharged, and anticipated environmental impacts of ocean disposal.
The draft research permit (below), to be issued for 18 months from the effective date, describes the fish processing liquid wastes allowed for ocean disposal at the EPA-designated ocean disposal site as well as operational restrictions and monitoring requirements. The data collected from this research permit will be reviewed and considered for the issuance of a future special permit for longer term disposal operations. This draft permit is intended for public review and outside agency review; comments may be submitted within a 30-day comment period effective from the date of publication on this web page.
The fact sheet (below) summarizes the key aspects of the draft research permit.
Fact Sheet: Draft Research Ocean Dumping Permit (OD 2020-01 RESEARCH); StarKist Samoa Company (PDF)(8 pp, 197 K,
December 2019)
This EPA fact sheet summarizes the key aspects of the draft Research Ocean Dumping Permit (OD 2020-01 RESEARCH) for StarKist Samoa Company.
DRAFT Research Ocean Dumping Permit (OD 2020-01 RESEARCH): StarKist Samoa Company (PDF)(32 pp, 376 K,
December 2019)
Draft research permit for ocean disposal of fish processing liquid wastes to be issued to StarKist Samoa Company, P.O. Box 368, Pago Pago, American Samoa, 96799.
Application for Ocean Dumping Permit: StarKist Samoa Company, American Samoa (PDF)(333 pp, 13 MB,
August 29, 2019)
Ocean Dumping Permit Application submitted by Starkist Samoa Co., PO Box 368, Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799.