April 2017
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) has recently been notified of an OIG Hotline spoofing scam targeting individuals throughout the country. There have been no reported scams related to the EPA OIG Hotline. However, the EPA OIG wants to inform the public that these perpetrators may use various tactics to obtain or verify personal information, which can lead to possible theft of funds or other fraudulent activity.
It is important to know that the EPA OIG will not use the EPA OIG Hotline number to make outgoing calls, and that individuals should not respond to calls from our hotline number 888-546-8740. We encourage the public to remain vigilant, protect personal information, and guard against providing personal information during calls from numbers that are unknown. We also remind the public that it is still safe to call the EPA OIG Hotline at 888-546-8740. In addition, confidentiality of hotline complainants will be protected. If you are a victim of a spoofing scam, please call the Hotline or email us at OIG_Hotline@epa.gov.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- EPA OIG Hotline Poster (PDF)(1 pg, 3 MB)