Information related to notices for intent to sue received by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA):
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12/23/2013 CAA, Wild Equity Institute (PDF)(6 pp, 2 MB)
Alleging EPA's failure to respond to a title V petition for Gateway Generating Station, Antioch, CA.
12/16/2013 CAA, Auto Industry Forum (PDF)(6 pp, 644 K)
Failure to promulgate standards under 112(d) for five major source categories.
12/03/2013 CAA, State of Wyoming (PDF)(2 pp, 287 K)
Failure to act on Wyoming's nonattainment NSR SIP submission.
11/26/2013 CAA, Center for Biological Diversity (PDF)(5 pp, 36 K)
Failure to make a finding of failure and take final action for 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS nonattainment areas.
11/01/2013 CWA, ESA, Northwest Environmental Advocates (PDF)(8 pp, 267 K)
Alleges further duties under the CWA and ESA respecting Washington Water Quality Standards.
11/01/2013 CWA, Northwest Environmental Advocates (PDF)(4 pp, 209 K)
Alleges further duties under the CWA relating to Idaho Water Quality Standards.
11/01/2013 CWA, Idaho Power Company (PDF)(7 pp, 665 K)
Mandatory Duty to Review Site Specific Criteria in Idaho.
10/28/2013 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(3 pp, 35 K)
For failure to make a finding of failure to submit for state implementation plan amendments to add particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in diameter (PM2.5) increments.
10/21/2013 CAA, American Petroleum Institute (PDF)(2 pp, 129 K)
Failure to meet statutory deadlines to set biomass-based diesel and renewable fuel requirements for 2014 standards.
09/04/2013 CAA, Center for Biological Diversity (PDF)(5 pp, 48 K)
For failure to make a finding of failure to submit and take final action for 2006 PM2.5 NAAQS nonattainment areas.
08/23/2013 CAA, California Communities Against Toxics and Sierra Club (PDF)(7 pp, 313 K)
Failure to conduct residual risk and technology reviews for 46 source categories pursuant to CAA section 112(d)(6) and (f)(2).
08/22/2013 CAA, Pine Creek Valley Water Association, Raymond Proffitt Foundation, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Delaware Riverkeeper (PDF)(7 pp, 2 MB)
Pine Creek Valley Water Association, Raymond Proffitt Foundation, and Delaware Riverkeeper Network sent a 60 day NOI (dated August 22, 2013) to file a citizen suit for failure to review Pennsylvania's Act 41. The NOI states that Act 41 bars use of parts of Pennsylvania's approved antidegradation policy. The parties, along with Delaware Riverkeeper, sent a supplemental NOI dated December 3, 2013, stating that EPA has not approved or disapproved the change in water quality standards and . . .
08/15/2013 CAA, BCCA Appeal Group (PDF)(6 pp, 394 K)
Failure to promulgate designations of areas for the 1-hour NAAQS for sulfur dioxide.
08/14/2013 CWA, South Carolina Coastal Conservation League (PDF)(160 pp, 20 MB)
For violations in connection with approval of Clydesdale Mitigation Bank.
08/12/2013 CAA, Environmental Integrity Project and Benjamin Feldman (PDF)(4 pp, 738 K)
Failure to Grant or Deny Plaintiffs' Petition to Object to the Proposed Title V Operating Permit for Mettiki Coal preparation/processing plant.
08/08/2013 CAA, The State of North Carolina (PDF)(2 pp, 404 K)
Failure to Designate Areas for the 2010 S02 National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
08/08/2013 CWA, Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations and the Institute for Fisheries Resources (PDF)(8 pp, 72 K)
Alleges that EPA is in violation of a non-discretionary duty, under 33 U.S.C. 1313(c)(4), to propose and promulgate certain water quality standards for the State of Washington.
08/06/2013 CAA, Wildearth Guardians (PDF)(4 pp, 608 K)
Failure to find that Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming have failed to submit SIPs to meet various requirements under the CAA with regards to the 2010 revised NAAQS for nitrogen dioxide.
08/02/2013 CAA, The Attorneys General of New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont and the Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (PDF)(5 pp, 994 K)
Failure to timely review and revise the NSPS for Residential Wood Heaters under the CAA.
08/02/2013 CAA, American Lung Association, Clean Air Council, Environmental Defense Fund, and Environment and Human Health, Inc. (PDF)(5 pp, 980 K)
Failure to timely review and revise the NSPS for Residential Wood Heaters under the CAA.
07/29/2013 CWA, Wild Equity Institute, Communities for Better Environment, and Center for Biological Diversity (PDF)(42 pp, 1 MB)
For illegally issuing federal CAA permits to the Gateway Generating Station without consulting with the Fish and Wildlife Service.
07/29/2013 CWA, The State of Maine (PDF)(8 pp, 535 K)
Failure to perform nondiscretionary duties under the Clean Water Act.
7/29/2013 CWA, Maine (PDF)(8 pp, 528 K)
60-day NOI to sue EPA over failure to timely approve/disapprove Maine's WQS in Indian country within the State.
07/23/2013 CWA, Center for Biological Diversity (PDF)(3 pp, 76 K)
Threatening an APA challenge to EPA's approval of Washington and Oregon's 2010 303(d) list where the state did not list waters as impaired due to ocean acidification.
07/23/2013 CWA, Columbia Riverkeeper, Puget Soundkeeper Alliance, Spokane Riverkeeper, and North Sound Baykeeper (PDF)(8 pp, 122 K)
Alleges that EPA is in violation of a non-discretionary duty, under 33 U.S.C. 1313(c)(4), to propose and promulgate certain water quality standards for the State of Washington.
07/22/2013 CAA, Commissioners of the County of Berks, Pennsylvania (PDF)(2 pp, 158 K)
Failing to make a finding of failure to develop a SIP addressing the North Reading 2008 Lead NAAQS Nonattainment Area and the Lyons 2008 Lead NAAQS Nonattainment Area.
07/09/2013 CAA, The States of North Dakota, Nevada, South Dakota, and Texas (PDF)(4 pp, 140 K)
Failure to designate areas for SO2 NAAQS.
7/1/2013 CAA, Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council (PDF)(5 pp, 773 K)
Supplemental notice for failure to designate areas for the 2010 S02 NAAQS.
06/20/2013 CWA, NRDC, Clean Ocean Action, Hackensack Riverkeeper, Heal the Bay, NY/NJ Baykeeper, Riverkeeper, and Waterkeeper Alliance (PDF)(9 pp, 320 K)
Notice of Intent to Sue for failure to promulgate National Recreational Water Quality Criteria in compliance with the Clean Water Act.
06/19/2013 TSCA, Pro se (PDF)(2 pp, 264 K)
Appears to be a notice of intent to sue EPA and a named employee alleging that EPA failed to take action against a contractor who allegedly violated lead-based paint regulations.
06/12/2013 CAA, Oregon State (PDF)(10 pp, 2 MB)
Failure to determine whether standards of performance are appropriate for methane emissions from oil and gas operations and, if so, to issue methane standards and emissions guidelines.
06/10/2013 CAA, Clean Air Council (PDF)(5 pp, 257 K)
Failure to make a finding that Pennsylvania is failing to implement its SIP; for failure to determine that PA is not adequately administering and enforcing its CAA Title V permitting program; and failure to sanction PA for these actions.
06/10/2013 ESA, Turtle Island Restoration Network (PDF)(8 pp, 162 K)
Notice of Intent to Sue under the ESA related to salmonid BiOps 1 and 2 (BiOps challenged in the NCAP v EPA lawsuit). Related to NOI NSC 2013-1.
06/4/2013 CAA, Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council (PDF)(4 pp, 536 K)
Failure to make SO2 NAAQS designations.
05/29/2013 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(7 pp, 213 K)
Failure to grant or deny petitions to object to the proposed Title V permits for seven Pennsylvania power plants.
05/23/2013 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(3 pp, 41 K)
Failure to issue a finding of failure to submit a SIP addressing the Baltimore 1997 ozone NAAQS serious nonattainment area.
05/13/2013 CWA, Northwest Environmental Advocates, Idaho Conservation League (PDF)(12 pp, 269 K)
Alleges duties under the CWA and ESA related to Idaho Water Quality Standards.
05/13/2013 CWA, West Virginia Coal Association (PDF)(19 pp, 4 MB)
Alleges failure to approve revisions to West Virginia's NPDES program.
04/30/2013 CWA, Idaho Conservation League (PDF)(6 pp, 275 K)
Mandatory Duty to Promulgate Human Health Toxics Criteria in Idaho.
04/29/2013 CAA, Conservation Law Foundation (PDF)(4 pp, 781 K)
Failure to timely promulgate new source standards of performance and regulations providing emission guidelines for certain greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel-fired electric utility generating units (power plants).
04/25/2013 CWA, Richard Sloat (PDF)(2 pp, 322 K)
Notice of intent for failure to require NPDES permit for Buck Mine discharge site.
04/22/2013 CWA, The States of New York, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the District of Columbia and the City of New York (PDF)(7 pp, 1 MB)
Failure to promulgate final standards of performance for greenhouse gas emissions from new electric utility generating units (power plants) and to issue emission guidelines for existing power plants.
04/15/2013 CAA, Environmental Defense Fund, Sierra Club and Natural Resources Defense Council (PDF)(4 pp, 254 K)
Failure to issue final NSPS regulating emissions of GHGs from new EGUs and failure to issue proposed and final emission guidelines for emissions of GHGs from existing EGUs.
04/4/2013 CAA, Center for Biological Diversity (PDF)(3 pp, 247 K)
Failure to promulgate a FIP within two years after finding that the State of Arizona failed to submit a SIP to attain NAAQS for PM10 in Maricopa County.
03/18/2013 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(2 pp, 51 K)
For failure to grant or deny a petition requesting EPA to object to the issuance of the revised proposed Title V Operating Permit for Georgia Power's coal-fired Kraft Steam-Electric Generating Plant in Port Wentworth, Georgia.
03/18/2013 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(2 pp, 61 K)
For failure to grant or deny a petition requesting EPA to object to the issuance of the revised proposed Title V Operating Permit for Georgia Power's coal-fired Wansley Steam-Electric Generating Plant in Carrollton, Georgia.
03/18/2013 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(2 pp, 57 K)
For failure to grant or deny a petition requesting EPA to object to the issuance of the revised proposed Title V Operating Permit for Georgia Power's coal-fired Mcintosh Steam-Electric Generating Plant in Rincon, Georgia.
03/13/2013 CAA, American Lung Association, Natural Resources Defense Council, and Sierra Club (PDF)(2 pp, 317 K)
For failure to perform non-discretionary duties related to the review of the national ambient air quality standards for ozone.
03/11/2013 CWA, Florida Wildlife Federation (PDF)(3 pp, 43 K)
Alleged mandatory duties under 303(d) regarding Florida's 303(d) list/antidegradation.
03/11/2013 CWA, Alabama Rivers Alliance (PDF)(6 pp, 1 MB)
Failure to respond to petition to commence withdrawal proceedings regarding Alabama's NPDES program.
02/28/2013 CWA, ESA, Northwest Environmental Advocates (PDF)(8 pp, 224 K)
Alleged mandatory duties under CWA and ESA regarding Washington WQS.
02/26/2013 CWA, ESA, Our Children's Earth Foundation and Ecological Rights Foundation (PDF)(26 pp, 512 K)
Alleged duties under CWA and ESA regarding California Toxics Rule.
02/21/2013 CAA, Sandra L. Bahr and David Matusow (PDF)(3 pp, 253 K)
Failed to take final action with regard to the replacement 5% PM-10 plan or promulgate a FIP and impose highway funding sanctions.
02/06/2013 CWA, Sierra Club, West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (PDF)(9 pp, 2 MB)
NOI alleges failure to perform a mandatory duty to approve revisions to state NPDES program.
01/30/2013 CWA, Sierra Club, West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition (PDF)(13 pp, 933 K)
Alleged mandatory duty to approve or disapprove WV's 303(d) list.
01/30/2013 CAA, BCCA Appeal Group (PDF)(3 pp, 90 K)
Failure to act on Texas SIP submittals relating to air quality permitting.
01/23/2013 CAA, WildEarth Guardians (PDF)(4 pp, 592 K)
Failure to take action on several Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan ("SIP") submissions from the States of Colorado, South Dakota, and Utah.
01/14/2013 CAA, WildEarth Guardians (PDF)(4 pp, 1 MB)
Failure to Make a Finding that Utah and Idaho Failed to Submit State Implementation Plans to Attain the PM25 National Ambient Air Quality Standards as Required by Part D, Subpart 4 of the Clean Air Act
11/01/2013 CWA, Idaho Power Company (PDF)(7 pp, 533 K)
Notice of Mandatory Duty to Review Site Specific Criteria in Idaho.
10/22/2013 CAA Wildearth (PDF)(3 pp, 728 K)
Notice of intent to sue for failure to take action on CAA Title V permit for Deseret generation and transmission cooperative's Bonanza Power Plant within 18 months
7/23/2013 CWA Center for Biological Diversity (PDF)(3 pp, 76 K)
Request for reconsideration of approval of Washington and Oregon's impaired waters lists and courtesy notice of intent to sue.
- 08/14/2013 CWA South Carolina Coastal Conservation League (PDF)(160 pp, 12 MB)
10/21/2013 CAA, Sierra Club (PDF)(2 pp, 31 K)
For failure to promulgate a FIP for Montana’s failure to regulate NOx as an ozone precursor in PSD