The SPCC rule requires inspections, tests, and evaluations of above ground containers (40 CFR §112.8(c)(6)). Does the rule set schedules for how often these need to be conducted?
The SPCC Rule does not prescribe a specific frequency or methodology for performing the required inspections, evaluations, and tests for aboveground containers. The SPCC Rule is a performance-based regulation that relies on the use of good engineering practices and industry standards. These standards may include testing procedures accepted by the American Petroleum Institute or the Steel Tank Institute, among others. The certifying Professional Engineer (PE) is responsible for establishing procedures for inspections and testing at the facility and attests that the Plan was prepared in accordance with good engineering practices and consideration of industry standards. The PE may also use recommended practices, safety considerations, and requirements of other federal, state, and local regulations. As described in 40 CFR §112.3(d), the PE must attest that a facility's SPCC Plan is effective to satisfy the requirements of the SPCC Rule, and this includes an appropriate inspection program for aboveground containers.