PC Code: 046905
TXR#: 1003329
DP Barcode: 408676
Study Type: Subchronic Oral Toxicity- capsule- human; OPPTS 870.3150 [§82-1].
Test Material (Purity): Tetraglycine hydroperiodide (releases to iodine in water)
Synonyms: Iodine
Citation: LeMar, H.J., Georgitis, W.J., McDermott, M.T. (1988) Thryoid adaptation to chronic tetraglycine hydroperiodide water purification tablet use. Madigan Army Medical Center and Fitzsimmons Army Medical Center: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolishm 80(1): 220-223. MRID 49318802
Sponsor: US Army Medical Research and Development Command, Fort Detrick, MD