Fiscal Year 2010 Pollution Prevention Grant Summaries
The Pollution Prevention Grant Program provides matching funds to state and tribal programs to support P2 activities across all environmental media (air, water and land) to develop state-based programs. EPA believes these environmental programs have the best opportunity to promote P2 because states and tribes, compared to the federal government, have closer, more direct contact with industry and are more aware of local needs. In fiscal year 2010 EPA had approximately $4.1 million to support pollution prevention grants to states, tribes and intertribal consortia. EPA provides funds annually through P2 grants and cooperative agreements to help develop and sustain states and tribal P2 program activities and pioneer new P2 approaches.
- Region 1 (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)
- Region 2 (NJ, NY, PR, VI)
- Region 3 (DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV)
- Region 4 (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN)
- Region 5 (IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI)
- Region 6 (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX)
- Region 7 (IA, KS, MO, NE)
- Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)
- Region 9 (AZ, CA, HI, NV, AS, GU)
- Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA)
Region 1
Recipient: Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
Funding Amount: $80,000
Connecticut DEP will work to: reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from hospitals through the Connecticut Hospital Environmental Roundtable; reduce pesticide and fertilizer use under the Organic Land Care Project; publish the P2 View quarterly newsletter; encourage environmental and energy conservation and protection through a green hotels project; encourage green government practices and be a model for other government agencies through its Greening Government Leadership Project; and report metrics on these initiatives. Results from these projects are aimed at encouraging source reduction and other P2 technologies across air, water and land.
Recipient: Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
Funding Amount: $48,292
Maine DEP will further work in the Green Business program area by providing in-depth technical assistance to businesses and organizations interested in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and toxics. The recipient will also encourage energy and water conservation. Specific projects include: the Environmental Leader Green Certification Program for Maine's lodging businesses and restaurants; integrating P2 practices within Maine's state government through source reduction, environmentally preferable procurement and energy efficient initiatives; promoting and administering the Governor's Carbon Challenge; promoting environmental management system facilitation; and developing and maintaining an advisory panel.
Recipient: University of Massachusetts, Lowell – Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI)
Funding Amount: $32,208
TURI's project will educate dry cleaners about professional wet cleaning techniques and inform auto shops about cleaning solvent alternatives. TURI's program will engage the dry cleaning and auto body and repair sectors to help drive technology shifts away from solvent use, in a variety of applications and toward safer and healthier processes. Project objectives include: persuading dry cleaning facilities to convert to wet cleaning by using a wet cleaning demonstration facility; reaching out to the auto body and repair sector to educate facilities on wet cleaning practices; and expanding the Boston Safe Shops Program to include educating auto body and repair shops across New England about using safer solvent alternatives in their shops.
New Hampshire
Recipient: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES)
Funding Amount: $67,000
NHDES will support P2 in three areas of hospitality, work with the regional ski resort areas and support the University of New Hampshire's (UNH) P2 Student Intern Program. Specifically, NHDES will: implement P2 certifications for New Hampshire's lodging facilities; develop a similar certification program for the restaurant industry; work with ski facilities to determine their responsibilities under stormwater runoff, alteration of terrain and above ground storage tank and underground storage tank usage to insure they are in compliance. The university will also develop a template facilities may use to achieve compliance and will continue to support the UNH/NHDES P2 Internship program.
Rhode Island
Recipient: University of Rhode Island
Funding Amount: $88,000
The university of Rhode Island will promote National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) compliance, promote P2 and provide technical assistance to the Rhode Island auto body sector. Specifically, the university will develop a life cycle analysis of recently improved waterborne coating systems, administer workshops and launch enterprise research planning certifications. Fact sheets, training and on-site technical assistance will be used to achieve waste reduction and improve environmental performance. To promote green jobs, a senior level/graduate level P2 course and internships will be planned to train future engineers on the benefits and importance of P2 and materials life cycle analysis.
Recipient: Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
Funding Amount: $80,000
Vermont DEC will provide administrative and technical assistance support to the Vermont Business Environmental Partnership (VBEP), a technical assistance and business recognition program. DEC will also support the Governor's Awards Program for Environmental Excellence and the promotion of P2. P2 outreach, technical assistance and recognition initiatives will be implemented for various business sectors including marinas, restaurants and auto body refinishing businesses. The project will provide partnership support to the Vermont Small Business Development Center for business conferences, on-site technical assistance and the administration of the VBEP, including the existing Green Hotels Program, Clean Marinas Program and Green Restaurants Program.
Region 2
New York
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
EPA grant: $60,000
NYSDEC will build upon a previous EPA-funded project in which college students performed P2 assessments at businesses. NYSDEC will train college students to identify P2 opportunities in pharmaceutical facilities with a focus on water conservation and minimizing pharmaceutical releases to the water supply.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
EPA grant: $45,000
NYSDEC will reduce the amount of hazardous chemicals used, stored and disposed in NYS high school laboratories by developing a chemical hygiene plan and a green chemistry guide for high school science teachers. The green chemistry guide would promote the adoption of green chemistry practices to encourage the use of more environmentally benign reagents and solvents.
New Jersey
Rowan University
EPA grant: $53,097
The university will build upon a previous EPA-funded project in which Rowan students performed assessments at pharmaceutical facilities. Based on this experience, the university will develop transferable tools that will assist pharmaceutical companies in their effort to identify source reduction opportunities, obtain necessary technical information and design cost effective P2 strategies.
Rutgers University, Center for Advance Energy Systems
EPA grant: $25,000
The university will implement a smart electrical metering system and energy management protocol on two university campuses to reduce energy consumption. This project will serve as a demonstration for schools in the university system and within other higher learning institutions in New Jersey.
Rutgers University, Cooperative Extension
EPA grant: $75,000
The university will implement a project, entitled the "Water Champions Program," in which high school students will be trained to conduct water audits at their schools and will recognize participating schools at Water Champions. Through this program, the schools will be able to identify water conservation opportunities in their facilities.
Region 3
Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE)
EPA grant: $38,500
MDE will provide technical assistance and recognition of P2 activities through administration of the Maryland Green Registry.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
EPA grant: $89,980
Pennsylvania DEP will provide P2 energy efficiency (P2E2) information to 200 businesses, perform 250 customer site assistance visits, conduct seminars and develop eight P2E2 success stories.
Temple University, Water and Environmental Technology Center
EPA grant: $125,000
The university will visit twenty child care and preschool facilities spread across the region to document cleaning agents used on toys and furniture. It will then perform swipe tests to determine if chemical residue is found. The project will generate a report and a paper for a peer-review scientific journal. P2 recommendations, a website and a one-page flyer describing the results of the project will be published.
Wytheville Community College
EPA grant: $38,000
The recipient will conduct four training sessions (materials, conference, workshops) to industrial clients in energy conservation, energy audits and support Virginia's Department of Environmental Quality Virginia Environmental Excellence Program.
Region 4
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)
EPA grant: $39,000
Florida DEP will focus on lean strategies for the hospitality sector by implementing the principles of lean methodologies. This project will strive to duplicate lean successes from other sectors (e.g., manufacturing, health care) to increase the efficiency and efficacy in the delivery of hospitality services while reducing impacts on natural resources. The project will include training workshops for the hospitality sector on basic lean methodologies and information on how to apply them. Florida DEPA will also use lean principles in two on-site demonstration projects and in its training modules.
Georgia Pollution Prevention Assistance Division (P2AD)
EPA grant: $82,000
Georgia P2AD will: support Georgia's performance-based environmental leadership program, the Partnership for a Sustainable Georgia; and provide on-site P2 technical assistance to partners through the use of retired engineers, environmental professionals and student interns.
Kentucky Division of Compliance Assistance (DCA) & Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center (KPPC)
EPA grant: $94,000
The recipient will support the KPPC —Kentucky's source for technical assistance and education related to waste reduction, energy efficiency and sustainability. Specifically, KPPC's projects include: providing P2 and energy efficiency technical assistance for on-site assessments and supporting the Kentucky EXCEL leadership program.
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
EPA grant: $65,000
Mississippi DEQ will focus on the following projects: promoting energy efficiency through Energy Star in schools and municipal buildings; launching a Sustainable Cities initiative to promote multi-media P2 activities for cities; and providing lean and green manufacturing assistance to promote business efficiency and natural resource conservation. Mississippi DEQ will also continue existing toxics reduction efforts through the state's Mercury Initiative.
North Carolina
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
EPA grant: $72,000
North Carolina DENR will focus on continued development of North Carolina's leadership program called the Environmental Stewardship Initiative. The program encourages facilities and institutions to go beyond compliance and strive for continual improvement in environmental performance through the implementation of an environmental management system (EMS). This year, the program will offer new training and support using lean production tools and techniques along with the EMSs to achieve further environmental reductions, also known as lean and green.
South Carolina
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC)
EPA grant: $63,500
South Carolina DHEC will provide multi-media technical assistance through South Carolina's leadership program called the South Carolina Environmental Excellence Program and will develop tools and workshops to assist businesses and institutions in implementing P2 programs.
Tennessee Department of Environment & Conservation (DEC)
EPA grant: $61,500
Tennessee DEC will provide networking, technical assistance and support to encourage P2 and resource conservation projects through the Tennessee P2 Partnership program.
Region 5
University of Illinois
EPA grant: $103,288
The university will continue an existing project to provide P2 assistance to achieve measurable water and energy efficiency.
Purdue University
EPA grant: $25,500
The university will support sustainable health care projects in Indiana in order to build capacity to support health care P2 initiatives.
Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment (DNRE)
EPA grant: $84,938
Michigan DNRE will promote an E3 Michigan project – a strategic manufacturing and supply chain alliance to measure waste outputs, greenhouse gas emissions and cost benefits of environmental protection.
Michigan Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth (DNRE)
EPA grant: $25,701
Michigan DNRE will launch an E3 student internship program – a project to be carried out in close coordination with the Michigan DNRE project to maximize measurable benefits.
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
EPA grant: $ 85,794
Green Chemistry/Green Design Year 2 and performance measures follow-up – continuation of grant to build capacity for green chemistry and green engineering.
University of Toledo
EPA grant: $63,145
The university will continue to promote its manufacturing extension partnership's P2 assessments. The projects will build upon existing efforts and expand on technical assistance by providing P2, energy conservation and renewable energy promotion to the hospitality and manufacturing industries.
University of Wisconsin
EPA grant: $73,863
The university will continue to support sustainable health care and sustainable marinas initiatives. The projects will train and place up to six student interns in health care facilities. An additional intern will be assigned to assist in identifying interested marinas and coordinating waste assessments.
Region 6
Arkansas Department of Equality (ADEQ)
EPA grant: $40,000
ADEQ's P2 program will provide technical assistance to businesses for which a lack of information is an impediment to source reduction and to other businesses upon request. ADEQ's P2 program coordinator will lead the agency's environmental management system and document the results in its annual audit. The P2 coordinator will participate in the Committee for Executive Order 09-07, an Executive Order that encourages the reduction of energy consumption by state agencies and assesses the environmental impact of state agency operations. ADEQ will also promote the Arkansas Environmental Stewardship Award Program and will evaluate applications. Source reduction data will be collected and reported to EPA Region 6 and the National P2 Results Data System. The P2 coordinator will also participate in public outreach and training activities and attend regional meetings and training events.
New Mexico
New Mexico Environment Department (NMED)
EPA grant: $50,000
NMED will continue its Green Zia Program – a P2 program that consists of conducting site assistance visits that focus on small and medium-sized businesses and will begin the process of creating an environmental management policy for the New Mexico Environment Department. The NMED P2 Program will also work with the New Mexico Navajo Housing Authority to implement and provide waste minimization techniques to underserved areas within New Mexico and will continue its work with the Village of Angel Fire and the Angel Fire Ski Resort to expand current waste minimization practices. The NMED will also continue to work with the New Mexico Roadrunner Pretreatment Association to provide P2 training and resources to identify and reduce pollutants and focus on industries harmful to the environment.
New Mexico State University (NMSU)
EPA grant: $75,000
NMSU'S Institute for Energy and the Environment (IEE) program will: continue providing P2 technical assistance to industry and communities to reduce air toxins, including particulate matter to reduce exposure to children and asthma patients; conserve water in manufacturing; and eliminate mercury as a waste stream in the health care industry. The goals include continuing IEE's on-site P2 technical assistance to New Mexico's industries, businesses, health care facilities, public entities and tribes; introducing and implementing benefits of environmental management systems to public entities; organizing and implementing lean and green trainings for New Mexico's manufacturing sector; and continuing participation in regional and national P2 efforts.
Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry (ODAFF)
EPA grant: $67,000
ODAFF will work with Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) in the state to reduce the amount of phosphorus entering rivers, lakes and streams. This project will provide on-site technical assistance to poultry farmers as means for farmers to adopt best management practices outlined in ODAFF's Animal Waste Management Plan (AWMP) and in its Comprehensive Nutrient Management Plan (CNMP) that lays out guidelines for storage and land application of poultry waste in watersheds of eastern Oklahoma. These projects will also serve as models for similar technical assistance efforts that are part of Oklahoma's overall CAFOs efforts. ODAFF will also follow-up on potential enforcement violations after training and technical assistance efforts are completed.
Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
EPA grant: $60,000
Oklahoma DEQ will continue its P2 technical assistance work, focusing on tourism through a continued partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation to promote, encourage and develop sustainable travel practices in Oklahoma. Oklahoma DEQ will also partner with Green Corps in Northeast Oklahoma City to develop and distribute educational material on environmental protection laws to lower income residents and will provide training to residents on how to make more environmental sound choices.
University of Texas at Arlington – Texas Manufacturing Assistance Center (UTA/TMAC)
EPA grant: $150,000
UTA/TMAC will partner with the Zero Waste Network to provide direct, phone and online P2 technical assistance. The assistance will include training on basic P2 techniques, continue environmental management system training and will promote lean and green business practices. In addition, the grant recipient will begin to focus on E3 (Economy, Energy and Environment) initiatives and look to create new opportunities in this area.
Region 7
Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR)
EPA grant: $95,000
Iowa DNR will provide technical assistance to Iowa's Environmental Management Systems pilot program and conduct P2 and follow-up assessments. The pilot project will help set a standard of continuous improvement of environmental activities by establishing goals to accomplish reductions and improvements in four key environmental areas – greenhouse gas reduction, water quality improvement, toxicity reductions and waste reduction.
Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)
EPA grant: $95,500
The KDHE will promote a P2 awareness and recognition program, provide technical assistance and support intern staff positions in P2 and energy efficiency. The goal of this grant is to provide businesses and institutions with the P2 technical services needed to accomplish sustainability goals.
University of Missouri
EPA grant: $94,621
The university will: complete an online conversion of P2 engineering courses; expand the P2 intern program across the state through strategic partnerships; market P2 course modules for professional development through the College of Engineering's continuing education program; promote and measure the best management practices for dental amalgam (mercury), water and energy efficiency and waste reduction; and promote P2 through direct technical assistance and outreach.
University of Nebraska
EPA grant: $96,000
The university will launch a two week education course in P2/source reduction techniques and sustainability; provide on-site technical assistance and service learning to educate students about on-site technical assistance using the service learning model; and will assess output and outcome data from technical assistance, education and reassessment efforts.
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Region 8
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE)
EPA grant: $105,000
CDPHE will: improve energy efficiency, water conservation and waste reduction within the department; work with the Governor's Energy Office to provide greening the government technical assistance to sixteen state agencies to implement greening the government policies and programs to enhance efficiencies and minimize environmental impacts from state agencies; sponsor an environmental leadership program to encourage program members to focus on issues important to their communities, take creative approaches to solving local problems and employ partnerships and network with neighborhood citizens to achieve environmental goals.
Montana State University (MSU) Extension Service
EPA grant: $92,000
The MSU Extension Service will establish a statewide agricultural P2 Outreach Partnership consisting of agricultural commodity groups and organizations; provide environmental management system self-assessments and offer education and training to Montana agricultural producers and processors; document environmental impacts of adopting and applying agricultural pollution practices; and support the EcoStar P2 Recognition Program to recognize the integration and implementation of P2 in Montana agricultural practices.
North Dakota
North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
EPA grant: $43,319
North Dakota DEQ will assist at least five private businesses and five government agencies, universities, and schools in learning how to reduce their environmental footprint with respect to electronic equipment. In coordination with the North Dakota Department of Mineral Resources DEQ will: assist in matching area businesses with experts in geothermal technology for geothermal building opportunities; facilitate a Green Building Committee to draft an environmental awareness policy; implement energy audit recommendations; and continue to work with the automotive salvage industry to emphasize the removal of mercury containing devices and incorporate other P2 initiatives.
Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
EPA grant: $84,631
The Utah DEQ will: continue to provide technical assistance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, decrease the use of hazardous materials and conserve natural resources; provide resources to advance environmental sustainability; promote environmental management systems (EMS) as the preferred approach to environmental protection and pollution reduction; promote "Clean Utah" to businesses as a way to increase EMS usage and recognize successes; continue to green DEQ facilities that can be used as a model program for other government agencies; and participate in activities that encourage P2 awareness.
Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
EPA grant: $70,050
Wyoming DEQ will: document P2 cost savings in four large motor pool fleets, conduct 10 on-site technical visits to businesses and eight on-site P2 assistance inspections; and launch an Environmental Awards Program to encourage and recognize small businesses in Wyoming that implement P2 practices.
Region 9
State of Hawaii – Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism
EPA grant $71,355
The grant recipient will support an intern program to leverage the support and expertise of partners across Hawaii to develop a future workforce and expand the Hawaii Green Business Program. Emphasis will be placed on hotels and the Green Government Challenge, which focuses on waste reduction, P2 and resource conservation work.
Region 10
Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)
EPA grant: $108,000
Alaska DEC will provide P2 technical assistance to businesses and governments; and target sectors—tribal, building and construction industries in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
EPA grant: $71,000
Idaho DEQ will: conduct "lean and the environment" work (with manufacturing extension partnerships) within the manufacturing sector; conduct chemical cleanouts in schools, develop an Idaho environmental guide and document environmental outcome measures.
Portland State University
EPA grant: $87,181
The university will promote the "EcoBiz" business labeling program for the automotive and landscape sectors.
Washington Department of Ecology
EPA grant: $67,645
The grant recipient will promote toxics use reduction work (focusing on metals of concern) and will launch P2 energy champion initiatives.