Pollution Prevention Information Network (PPIN) Grant Summaries for 2011 and 2013
The Pollution Prevention Information Network (PPIN) grant program funds a national network of regional centers that serve both regional and national pollution prevention (P2) information needs. Grantees determine audience needs, supply quality information and provide assistance and training to businesses whose lack of information may be an impediment to implementing source reduction, preventing pollution or adopting sustainable practices.
This page offers summaries of grants awarded in 2011 and 2013. The grants awarded in 2011 were for a two-year project period. The summaries include the state, the applicant's name, the federal dollar amount (which is matched dollar for dollar by the grantee) and a brief description of the project. These summaries inform the public and P2 practitioners how EPA invests P2 grant funds to further the Agency's goals in sustaining the knowledge base for pollution prevention.+
State Grants for the Pollution Prevention Information Network in 2011
State Grants for the Pollution Prevention Information Network in 2013
State Grants for the Pollution Prevention Information Network in 2011
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES)
EPA grant: $115,000
The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services will partner with the Northeast Waste Management Officials’ Association (NEWMOA) to operate a P2 information center that will serve EPA Regions 1 and 2. The proposal focused on developing web 2.0 approaches using interactive websites with some social network aspects to build communities and shared knowledge in the areas: sustainable hospitality, green chemistry and materials management to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts.
University of Louisville, Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center (KPPC)
EPA grant: $115,000
The University of Louisville, KPPC will serve EPA regions 3 and 4 by developing the “environmental sustainability resource center” (ESRC). The center will provide P2 information through a website, technical assistance and training; respond to telephone requests for information and support the collection of P2 program results.
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
EPA grant: $67,598
The University of IL, IL Sustainable Technology Center will continue work as the Great Lakes Regional P2 Roundtable leader and P2 information center for Region 5. The center will support networking and P2 information sharing.
University of Texas at Arlington
EPA grant: $115,000
The University of TX in Arlington will support the Region 6 P2 information center, providing workshops and training to businesses and technical assistance providers. The center follows up with attendees to determine outcomes; and collects and publishes case studies that will illustrate the impact of P2 practices on businesses.
Nebraska: University of Nebraska – Omaha
EPA grant: $115,000
The University of Nebraska at Omaha will serve as the Region 7 P2 information center and support strategic planning of the Region 7 Roundtable. The center will provide P2 assistance in Region 7 by responding to information needs that otherwise impede adoption P2 practices and providing P2 training.
Montana State University
EPA grant: $115,000
Montana State University will serve as the Region 8 P2 information center. This center serves as the national leader for supporting Tribes in learning and applying P2 practices. The center uses webinars and conference calls to reach tribes around the nation. The center will work with other P2 information centers in the area of sustainable hospitality.
University of Nevada, Board of Regents
EPA grant: $115,000
The University of Nevada at Reno described regional P2 tools and information products that are used by technical assistance providers, businesses and local governments. Specific topics addressed sustainable hospitality (in collaboration with other regional centers), fleet maintenance, and the California green business program.
Washington Department of Ecology
EPA grant: $115,000
The proposal from Washington State included a sub-grant to the Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC). The proposal will support webinars on lean and environmental practices and promote pollution prevention (P2) practices and energy efficiency to help businesses decrease greenhouse gas emissions. PPRC will continue to serve as the regional P2 information center that provides support to State technical assistance programs and direct assistance to businesses requesting P2 information.
State Grants for the Pollution Prevention Information Network in 2013
New Hampshire
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES)
EPA grant: $130,000
The proposal from the New Hampshire Department of Environmental services is in partnership with the Northeast Waste Management Officials Association (NEWMOA). The areas of work identified were: 1) greening the hospitality sector (known as sustainablelodging.org); 2) creating new networks for green chemistry professionals and zero waste efforts; and 3) developing a sustainable grocer initiative. NEWMOA will maintain regional core Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx) activities.
University of Louisville, Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center (KPPC)
EPA grant: $110,000
The University of Louisville will support the Environmental Sustainability Resource Center (ESRC). ESRC will serve small businesses, industries, institutions, and state and local governments by assisting in the identification of environmental strategies that reduce or eliminate wastes and conserve natural resources. The center supports a rapid response service that provides users with technical assistance and supports use of the P2 Results program database.
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
EPA grant: $96,816
The University of Illinois, the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center will continue support for the P2Rx regional center that facilitates regional networking and information sharing. The proposal included redesigning the center website, conducting a needs assessment of Region 5 technical assistance providers and developing information resources and training to meet the information gaps identified by the assessment.
University of Texas at Arlington
EPA grant: $121,808
The University of Texas at Arlington will help businesses prepare source reduction plans by providing workshops, direct assistance and following up with workshop participants to document outcomes related to P2 practices implemented. In addition there will be work to enhance the on-line Pollution Prevention Planner tool, collect case studies, and support a regional roundtable.
University of Nebraska – Omaha
EPA grant: $110,896
The University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) will support the existing Pollution Prevention Regional Information Center (P2RIC), which serves regional information needs identified by the strategic planning efforts of the EPA Region 7 Pollution Prevention Roundtable. In addition, this proposal will deliver training, foster enhancement of sustainability oriented facility training, and connect facility managers to the P2 technical assistance programs and the wealth of P2 information managed by P2Rx.
Montana State University
EPA grant: $90,000
This proposal will support a regional P2 information center that specializes in nationwide work with tribes. The center works with EPA Region 8 to identify and meet State needs.
Nevada: University of Nevada, Board of Regents
EPA grant: $99,088
The proposal from the University of Nevada at Reno will support the Western Sustainability and Pollution Prevention (WSPPN) Network in Region 9 by maintaining core P2Rx activities, rapid response technical assistance and leading the P2Rx centers in the areas of marketing and outreach.
Washington Department of Ecology
EPA grant: $120,770
Department of Ecology in Washington in partnership with the Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC) will provide technical assistance to small businesses and industry seeking source reduction opportunities through its P2Rx Internet-based information products such as the programs directory, rapid response service, webinars, and case studies. PPRC will work with MEPs in OR, WA, AK, and ID to identify “green” opportunities with their Lean assessments and communicate with the state P2 representatives to determine which of the core services are most useful and how to improve services. PPRC will collaborate with the Green Sports Alliance and U.S. EPA to build tools and resources for sporting venue operators, teams, and leagues to facilitate adoption of pollution prevention strategies.