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Pollution Prevention (P2)

Pollution Prevention Information Network (PPIN) Grant Summaries 2015

The Pollution Prevention Information Network (PPIN) grant program funds a national network of regional centers that serve both regional and national pollution prevention (P2) information needs. These centers are known as the Pollution Prevention Resource Exchange (P2Rx). Grantees determine audience needs, develop and deliver quality information and training to businesses for which a lack of information may be an impediment to implementing source reduction, preventing pollution or adopting sustainable practices.

Below are the summaries of PPIN grants awarded in 2015. The summaries name the state organization and the federal dollar amount of the grant. Federal funding must be matched dollar for dollar by the grantee.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES)
EPA grant: $59,607

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services in partnership with the Northeast Waste Management Officials Association (NEWMOA) will support P2 information services in Regions 1 and 2. The work plan includes: promoting the use of safer alternatives to traditional dry cleaning chemicals, facilitating a P2 and sustainability roundtable; enhancing a regional sustainable grocer’s initiative and advancing 3 professional network and P2 information sites – relating to sustainable lodging, green chemistry and zero waste.


University of Louisville, Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center (KPPC)
EPA grant: $109,279

The University of Louisville Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center supports the Environmental Sustainability Resource Center that serves EPA Regions 3 and 4.  The project will support technical assistance providers in methods of promoting energy efficiency and waste minimization to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through assessments and training.  Regional services the center provides includes a website, webinars, training and telephone responses to questions from businesses and technical assistance providers. This year the center will perform a needs assessment survey technical assistance providers that use the center’s services.


Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
EPA grant: $109,279

The Great Lakes Regional Pollution Prevention Roundtable (GLRPPR) is part of the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center and is located within the University of Illinois at Champaign.  The work plan will advance pollution prevention (P2) information exchange by developing and promoting information resources and training for and facilitating networking among pollution prevention technical assistance providers in the Great Lakes region and beyond. Funding will support analysis of public environmental and economic data sets to develop web-based tools to enable technical assistance providers to make data-driven decisions when choosing technical assistance targets. The center will develop new training and information resources to support the identified needs of the region’s P2 technical assistance providers, especially in U.S. EPA's National Emphasis Areas.  


University of Texas at Arlington
EPA grant: $69,000

The Zero Waste Network is a program of the University of Texas at Arlington, Division for Enterprise Development that provides support to State and local P2 programs and businesses in Region 6.  The work plan will provide in person source reduction training in national and regional workshops and support the "P2 Planner" which assists businesses in developing a P2 plan. This center supports a national P2 case study database.  The applicant has documented environmental outcomes resulting from following up with participants in their training and those who use the "P2 Planner". 

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Nebraska: University of Nebraska – Omaha
EPA grant: $59,607

The Nebraska Business Development center at the University of Nebraska at Omaha houses the P2 Regional Information Center for Region 7.  The work plan includes: collecting, curating and promoting P2 technical information for Technical Assistance Providers- through such services as a calendar, digital library, and social media.  Funding also supports planning for a regional roundtable in 2017 and developing and conducting an Information Center customer satisfaction survey. 


Montana State University
EPA grant: $109,279

Montana State University supports the Peaks to Prairies P2 Information Center that serves the states in Region 8 and a national network of 300 Tribal environmental professionals. The center will amplify dissemination of P2 information and tools to mitigate climate change, provide training in energy efficiency assessments in the agricultural business sector, and convene multi-state roundtables.  The center will provide hazardous material source reduction training for Tribes and Region 8’s technical assistance providers, in addition to training on use of the Toxics Release inventory to identify P2 practices relevant to Region 8 businesses.  Specific training for Tribes will be provided in the area of reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


University of Nevada, Board of Regents
EPA grant: $59,278

The Business Environmental Program at the University of Nevada at Reno supports The Western Sustainability & Pollution Prevention Network (WSPPN) . The goal of the program is to assist business and industry with identifying better environmental strategies and solutions for reducing or eliminating waste. Information is provided thru the center’s website, webinars and videos used for training.  The work plan includes: expanding information on reducing greenhouse gases from fleet operations; supporting sustainable hospitality; and working to expand the CA green business program network to encourage standard practices and outcomes for green business recognition.


Washington Department of Ecology
EPA grant: $109,279

The proposal from Washington State Department of Ecology in partnership with the non-profit Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center will provide regional and national P2 assistance, measurement tools and information products for technical assistance providers, businesses, communities, and local governments. Work will focus on energy efficiency in manufacturing, and craft breweries to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. In addition training for Hispanic workers in the area of spray painting will be provided. The center will continue to support a national web-based resource to help sports teams "green" their facilities.  Reducing toxics in stormwater will also be a regional effort.

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