Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance - EPA Region 10
EPA Region 10, Pollution Prevention Program
Services: Technical assistance
U.S. EPA Region 10 (AWT-150)
1200 Sixth Ave, 155
Seattle, WA 98101
Fax: 206-553-8509
Contact: Kathleen Compton
Email: compton.kathleen@epa.gov
Phone: 206-553-0290
Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resources Center / P2 Information Center
Services: Provides on-site technical assistance, P2 Trainings, and a clearinghouse of P2 case studies and research.
13751 Lake City Way, NE - Suite 305
Seattle, WA 98125
Phone: 202-352-2050 ext 101
Contact: Ed Gonzalez, Executive Director
E-mail: office@pprc.org
Web Site: http://pprc.org
The following links exit the site Exit
Green Star Program
Services: Provides technical assistance and recognition for businesses and communities.
Phone: 907-331-0271
Email: info@akforum.org
Website: http://akforum.org/green-star/
Idaho Department of Environmental Quality Pollution Prevention Program
- Pollution Prevention Services: Provides resources for the community on pollution prevention.
- Small Business Environmental Solutions: Provides sector-specific problem solving for businesses.
1410 N. Hilton
Boise, Idaho, 83706
Contact: Ben Jarvis
Phone: 208-373-0146
Email: ben.jarvis@deq.idaho.us
Web site: www.deq.idaho.gov/pollution-prevention.aspx
Small Business Environmental Solutions Program, Small Business Development Center
Services: The SBDC provides no cost confidential consultation and technical assistance on air quality regulations and permits for small businesses.
1910 University Avenue
Boise, Idaho 83725
Contact: Belinda Breidenbach, Environmental Assistance Coordinator
Phone: 208-426-1873
Email: environmentalsolutions@boisestate.edu
Web site: https://idahosbdc.org
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Business Initiatives Program
Services: Provides training, free interns, research projects, grants and more to businesses to help them reach their waste prevention and sustainability goals. The program promotes a holistic view of the environment impacts across the full life cycle of materials as well as actions that can be taken to reduce those impacts.
- Toxics Use Reduction: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/Hazards-and-Cleanup/ToxicReduction/Pages/default.aspx
- Technical Assistance/ Free Interns: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/Hazards-and-Cleanup/ToxicReduction/Pages/Resources.aspx
- Materials Management and life cycle thinking: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/mm/Pages/What-is-Materials-Management.aspx
- Life Cycle of food products studies for tomatoes, wine, pork, land-based aquaculture, beer, coffee, citrus fruit and juices: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/mm/food/Pages/Product-Category-Level-Footprints.aspx
- Waste Food studies: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/mm/food/Pages/Commercial-Case-Studies.aspx
- A review of Sustainability Frameworks including Pollution Prevention: https://www.oregon.gov/deq/FilterDocs/mm-matsust.pdf
Contact: Lisa R. Cox, Sr. Toxic Reduction Analyst
Business Initiatives, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
700 NE Multnomah St. Suite 600
Portland, OR 97232
E-mail: cox.lisa@deq.state.or.us
Phone: 503-229-5181
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Business Assistance Program
Services: Provides business counseling and tools.
Phone: 800-452-4011, Ext. 6147
Web site: www.oregon.gov/deq/aq/aqPermits/Pages/BAP.aspx
Oregon State University Energy Efficiency Center
Services: Promotes energy and resource efficiency and create immediate and long-term impacts on local economic profitability by reducing energy and resource waste. Provides efficiency training for students and the public and direct support to businesses that include free energy and waste prevention assessments. https://eec.oregonstate.edu/
- Services for agriculture, commercial and industrial businesses: https://eec.oregonstate.edu/sectors-eec-services
- Case studies of energy and waste reduction projects: https://eec.oregonstate.edu/sample-assessment-work
Oregon State University
344 Batcheller Hall, Corvallis, OR 97331
Phone: 541-737-5034
Oregon Department of Energy
Services: Helps Oregon individuals, businesses, non-profits, tribes, and other organizations complete energy-saving and renewable energy projects.
- Provides experts for energy audits, energy management, general project guidance: https://www.oregon.gov/energy/save-energy/Pages/Help-With-My-Project.aspx
- Renewable energy development grants: https://www.oregon.gov/energy/Incentives/Pages/Renewable-Energy-Grants.aspx
550 Capitol St. NE, 1st Floor
Salem, OR 97301
Phone: 1-800-221-8035
Email: askenergy@oregon.gov
Website: https://www.oregon.gov/energy/Pages/index.aspx
Oregon Small Business Development Center
Phone: 541-726-2250
Web site: www.bizcenter.org
Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Services: Supports the cooperative state-federal programs, and is part of a national network of services to assist smaller manufacturers in becoming globally competitive.
- Success stories: https://www.omep.org/who-weve-helped/success-stories/
- Training: https://www.omep.org/events/
18640 NW Walker Road, Suite 1052
Beaverton, OR 97006
Phone: 503-725-2660
Web site: www.omep.org
Washington Department of Ecology - Preventing Hazardous Waste and Pollution
Services: Provides education, technical assistance, and maintains an environmental expert contact list.
P.O. Box 47600
Olympia, WA 98504
Contact: Vanessa O'Daniel
Phone: 360-407-6731
Email: voda461@ecy.wa.gov
Web site: https://ecology.wa.gov/Regulations-Permits/Guidance-technical-assistance/Preventing-hazardous-waste-pollution
Washington Department of Ecology - Technical Assistance for Businesses
Services: Provides technical assistance and information.
Contacts: Myles Perkins and Hugh O’Neil
Phone: 425-457-2514 (Myles) and 360-522-0540 (Hugh)
Email: myles.perkins@ecy.wa.gov and hugh.oneill@ecy.wa.gov
Web site: https://ecology.wa.gov/Regulations-Permits/Guidance-technical-assistance/Preventing-hazardous-waste-pollution/Technical-assistance-for-business
Washington Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides training, research and technology development.
Phone: 509-358-7765
Web site: www.wsbdc.org
Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resources Center / P2 Information Center
Services: Provides on-site technical assistance, P2 Trainings, and a clearinghouse of P2 case studies and research.
13751 Lake City Way, NE - Suite 305
Seattle, WA 98125
Phone: 202-352-2050 ext 101
Contact: Ed Gonzalez, Executive Director
E-mail: office@pprc.org
Web Site: http://pprc.org