Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance - EPA Region 1
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EPA New England Pollution Prevention (P2) Coordinators
Services: Information, contacts, and resources.
U.S. EPA Region 1
Office of Environmental Stewardship
1 Congress St., Suite 1100 (SPP)
Boston MA 02114-2023
Contact: Mary Dever-Putnam
Phone: 617-918-1717
Email dever.mary@epa.gov
Contact: Lee Fiske
Email: fiske.lee@epa.gov
Phone: 617-918-1817
Northeast States Pollution Prevention Roundtable/ P2 Information Center
Services: Contact information and technical assistance.
129 Portland Street, Suite 602
Boston, MA 02114
Contact: Andy Bray
Phone: 617-367-8558 Ext. 306
Website: www.newmoa.org/ and
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection - Small Business Assistance Program
Services: Provides information and assistance to Connecticut's small business community. Researches and develops policy recommendations that meet the needs of small business while protecting the environment.
79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Phone: 860-424-3003
Web site: portal.ct.gov/DEEP/Permits-and-Licenses/Permitting-Factsheets/Permit-and-Environmental-Compliance-Assistance#smallbusiness
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection - Office of Pollution Prevention
Services: Provides technical assistance on pollution prevention to small business and selected industries through assessments, fact sheets, workshop presentations, and conferences. Also provides P2 education/assistance to lodging facilities, hospitals and municipal groups.
79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Contact: Kim Trella
Phone: 860-424-3297, 860-424-3297 (main office)
Email: kim.trella@po.state.ct.us
Web site: www.ct.gov/deep/cwp/browse.asp?A=2708
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection - Office of Environmental Assistance and Outreach
Services: Works to improve communication between the public and the department and create a better understanding of the state's environmental laws and requirements, including information on permits. Coordinates and serves as a liaison between the department and programs affecting business.
79 Elm St.
Hartford, CT 06106-5127
Contact: Robert Kaliszewski
Phone: 860-424-3003
Email: robert.kaliszewski@po.state.ct.us
Web site: www.ct.gov/deep/cwp/view.asp?a=2709&deepNav_GID=1624&q=324146
Connecticut Small Business Development Center
Services: Focuses on business development.
University of Connecticut
2100 Hillside Road
Storrs, CT 06269
Phone: 855.428.7232
E-Mail: CTSBDC@uconn.edu
Web site: ctsbdc.com/
Services: Helps Connecticut manufacturers apply advanced manufacturing and management techniques to become more competitive.
1090 Elm Street, Suite 202
Rocky Hill, CT 06067
Contact: Judith Wlodarczyk
Phone: 800-266-6672
Web site: www.connstep.org
Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Assistance, Small Business Technical Assistance Program
Services: Provides Maine businesses with compliance, technical, and pollution prevention assistance. The Office consists of three main programs: Pollution Prevention Program (P2), Small Business Technical Assistance Program (SBTAP), and Toxics and Hazardous Waste Reduction.
17 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
Contact: Julie Churchill, Small Business Ombudsman
Phone: 207-287-7881 or 800-789-9802 (hotline)
Email: julie.m.churchill@maine.gov
Web site: www.maine.gov/dep/assistance/
On-line list of Maine DEP regional offices and contacts
Maine Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Assistance, Green Business Certification Program
Services: The Environmental Leader program is a self-guided process offered by Maine DEP as part of its Pollution Prevention program that encourages lodging facilities, restaurants and grocers to implement selected initiatives from those offered in the department developed workbook to achieve points toward certification.
17 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333
Contact: Roy T. Krout
Phone: 207-287-8550
Email: roy.t.krout@maine.gov
Web site: www.maine.gov/dep/assistance/greencert/
Maine Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides small business counseling and training.
Phone: 207-780-4420
Email: msbdc@usm.maine.edu
Web site: www.mainesbdc.org/
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Waste Prevention (BWP)
Services: BWP protects public health and the environment by ensuring that discharges and emissions, solid and hazardous wastes, toxic chemical use, and the health risks associated with them are reduced to the maximum extent possible and, when pollution or waste cannot be prevented, they are safely and effectively controlled or managed. BWP consists of four divisions.
One Winter Street
Boston, MA 02108
Contact: Lynn Cain
Phone: 617-292-5711
Email: Lynn.Cain@mass.gov
Web site: www.mass.gov/orgs/bureau-of-waste-site-cleanup-massdep
Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Office of Technical Assistance (OTA)
Services: Provides a range of non-regulatory assistance services (e.g., counseling, training, technical assistance) to all Massachusetts businesses and organizations.
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900
Boston, MA 02114
Contact: Rich Bizzozero
Phone: 617-626-1080 or 617-626-1060
Email: rich.bizzozero@mass.gov
Web site: www.mass.gov/orgs/office-of-technical-assistance-and-technology-ota
Massachusetts Executive Office Of Energy and Environmental Affairs, Green Business Development
Services: Provides a range of non-regulatory assistance services (e.g., counseling, training, technical assistance) to all Massachusetts businesses and organizations.
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 900
Boston, MA 02114
Contact: Linda Benevides
Phone: 617-626-1197
Email: linda.benevides@state.ma.us
Web site: www.mass.gov/eea/energy-utilities-clean-tech/green-business-development/
Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Institute TURI / University of Massachusetts Lowell
Services: The Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI) was established in 1990 through the passage of the Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Act. Toxic chemical reduction information from TURI at UMass Lowell helps protect employees, consumers, and the environment by finding safer alternatives to toxic chemicals.
One University Avenue
Lowell, MA 01854-2866
Contact: Liz Harriman, Deputy Director
Phone: 978-934-3387 or 978-934-3275 (main number)
Email: harriman@turi.org
Contact: Joy Onasch, Community Program Manager
Phone: 978-934-4334
Email: joy@turi.org
Contact: Jason Marshall, TURI Laboratory Manager
Email: jason@turi.org
Web site: www.turi.org
Massachusetts Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides counseling, training, and technical assistance.
Phone: 413-545-6301
Web site: www.msbdc.org/network.html
Northeast Waste Management Officials Association (NEWMOA)
Services: NEWMOA is an interstate association that has a membership composed of the hazardous waste, solid waste, waste site cleanup, and pollution prevention programs in the northeast states. NEWMOA's mission is to develop and sustain an effective partnership of states that helps achieve a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment by exploring, developing, promoting, and implementing environmentally sound solutions for: reducing materials use and preventing pollution and waste; properly reusing and recycling discarded materials that have value; safely managing solid and hazardous wastes; and remediating contaminated sites.
129 Portland Street, Suite 602
Boston, MA 02114
Contact: Terry Goldberg, Executive Director
Phone: 617-367-8558
Contact: Andy Bray, Project Manager
Phone: 617-367-8558 ext. 306
Web site: www.newmoa.org
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services Small Business Technical Assistance Program (SBTAP)
Services: Encourages and assists small businesses to operate in a manner that is environmentally compliant yet economically effective.
29 Hazen Drive
PO Box 95
Concord, New Hampshire 03302
Contact: Sara Johnson
Email: sara.johnson@des.nh.gov
Contact: Patricia Gruttemeyer
Phone: 603-271-6812
Email: pat.gruttemeyer@des.nh.gov
Web site: www.des.nh.gov/organization/commissioner/p2au/pps/ppp/index.htm
New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, Pollution Prevention
Services: Provides free, confidential, non-enforcement, multi-media, pollution prevention and compliance assistance programs that are available to all New Hampshire businesses, institutions, municipalities, and agencies.
29 Hazen Drive
P.O. Box 95
Concord, NH 03302
Contact: Melissa Zych
Phone: 603-271-6460
Email: mzych@des.state.nh.us
Contact: Paul Lockwood
Phone: 603-271-2902 or 800-273-9469 (hotline)
Email: nhppp@des.nh.gov (general email)
Web site: des.nh.gov/organization/commissioner/p2au/pps/ppp/
New Hampshire Small Business Development Center's Environmental Management Assistance Program
Services: Teaches management skills to existing and potential start-up companies through one-on-one counseling, training programs, and resource referrals. Helps small businesses survive and create/sustain jobs.
University of New Hampshire Whittemore School of Business and Economics
110 McConnell Hall
Durham, NH 03824
Contact: Andrea O'Brien
Phone: 603-624-2264
Email: aob@cisunix.unh.edu
Web site: http://www.nhsbdc.org/
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management Office of Customer & Technical Assistance
Services: Provides on-site pollution prevention technical & compliance assistance to RI businesses.
235 Promenade Street
Providence, RI 02908
Contact: Richard Enander
Phone: 401-222-4700 x4411
Email: renander@dem.state.ri.us
Web site: www.dem.ri.gov/
Rhode Island Small Business Development Center
Services: Offers consulting services and seminars.
Web site: web.uri.edu/risbdc/
On-line list of RI Small Business Development Center contacts
Narragansett Bay Commission Pollution Prevention Program
Services: Offers non-regulatory, free-of-charge technical assistance to the industrial community within its servicing district with reducing the generation of waste, conserving water, and improving environmental performance through education, recognition, and compliance assistance.
One Service Road
Providence, RI 02905
Contact: James McCaughey
Email: jmccaughey@narraby.com
Contact: Barry Wenskowicz
Email: bwenskowicz@narraby.com
Contact: David Aucoin
Email: daucoin@narraby.com
Phone: 401-461-8848 (main number)
Web site: www.narrabay.com
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Environmental Assistance Office
The Office provides guidance to permit applicants, offers environmental compliance assistance to Vermont businesses and municipalities, and provides recognition programs for green businesses in Vermont, Staff assists businesses, communities, state agencies, and others to identify effective and economical ways to reduce waste at the source in order to avoid waste treatment and disposal costs and to safeguard human health and the environment. Regional staff provide permit assistance with DEC programs and others.
1 National Life Drive, Main 2
Montpelier, VT 05602
Contact: Ed Antczak, Environmental Program Manager
Phone: 802-622-4111
Email: ed.antczak@vermont.gov
Web site: dec.vermont.gov/environmental-assistance
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Small Business Compliance Assistance
Services: Provides, voluntary, multimedia (air, water, waste), environmental compliance assistance to businesses.
1 National Life Drive, Main 2
Montpelier, VT 05602-3803
Contact: Celia Riechel, Compliance Assistance Specialist
Phone: 802-477-2669
Email: celia.riechel@vermont.gov
Web site: dec.vermont.gov/environmental-assistance
Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Pollution Prevention Planning
Services: Provides technical assistance, workshops, training, and research to facilities that want to reduce their generation of hazardous waste and use of toxic substances.
1 National Life Drive, Main 2
Montpelier, VT 05602-3803
Contact: Lynn Metcalf, Pollution Prevention Specialist
Phone: 800-522-0469
Email: lynn.metcalf@vermont.gov
Web site: dec.vermont.gov/environmental-assistance
Vermont Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides small business counseling and training.
P.O. Box 188
Randolph Center, VT 05061
Web site: www.vtsbdc.org/