Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance - EPA Region 2
On this page:
EPA Region 2, Pollution Prevention Team
Services: resources, networking, and grants program.
290 Broadway 25th Flr
New York, NY 10007-1866
Fax: 212-637-3771
Contact: Carlos Ramos
E-mail: ramos.carlos@epa.gov
Phone: 212-637-3755
Contact: Alex Peck
E-mail: peck.alex@epa.gov
Phone: 212-637-3758
EPA Region 2, Solid Waste Programs
Resource Conservation and Special Projects Section
Services: resources, networking, and technical assistance
Contact: Dale Carpenter
Phone: 212-637-4110
E-mail: carpenter.dale@epa.gov
Website: www3.epa.gov/region02/waste/
The following links exit the site Exit
Pollution Prevention Roundtable/P2 Information Center
Northeast Waste Management Officials' Association (NEWMOA)
Services: Technical assistance, training, publications, and database of P2 activities.
129 Portland Street, 6th Floor
Boston, MA 02114
Contact: Terri Goldberg
Phone: 617-367-8558 x302
Fax: 617-367-0449
Website: www.newmoa.org
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Pollution Prevention and Right to Know
Services: Provides technical and administrative support for P2.
4 Station Plaza, 3rd Floor
P.O. Box 443
Trenton, NJ 08625-0443
Contact: Michael DiGiore
Phone: 609-777-0518
Email: michael.digiore@dep.state.nj.us
Web site: www.state.nj.us/dep/opppc/
New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Sustainability and Green Energy
Services: Provides technical and administrative support for sustainable activity.
401 E. State Street, 7th Floor
P.O. Box 402
Trenton, NJ 08625
Contact: Wayne Staub
Phone: 609-292-1997
Email: wayne.staub@dep.state.nj.us
Web site: www.nj.gov/dep/sage/team.html
New Jersey Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides counseling, training, information tools, and referrals.
49 Bleeker Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Contact: Brenda Hopper
Phone: 973-353-1927
Email: bhopper@njsbdc.com
Web site: www.njsbdc.com/
New Jersey Technical Assistance Program (NJTAP)
138 Warren Street
Newark, NJ 07102-1982
Contact: Laura Battista
Web site: centers.njit.edu/york/
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Chemical and Pollution Control
Services: Provides technical assistance, workshops, publications, and referrals.
625 Broadway, 4th Floor
Albany, NY 12233-1750
Contact: John Vana
Phone: 518-402-9469
Email: john.vana@dec.ny.gov
Web site: http://www.dec.ny.gov/
New York State Pollution Prevention Institute, Rochester Institute of Technology
Services: Provides technical assistance and organizes workshops.
111 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623-5603
Contact: Chuck Ruffing
Phone: 585-475-2512
Email: cjrp2i@rit.edu
Web site: www.rit.edu/affiliate/nysp2i/
Erie County Department of Environment and Planning, Office of Pollution Prevention
Services: Conducts on-site consultations and organizes workshops.
95 Franklin Street, Room 1077
Buffalo, NY 14202
Contact: Thomas Hersey, Jr.
Phone: 716-858-6370
Email: herseyt@erie.gov
Web site: www2.erie.gov/environment/index.php?q=environmental-services
New York City WasteLe$$
Services: Assists with partnership, sector-specific technical assistance and develops case studies.
Email: web@nycwasteless.org
Web site: www1.nyc.gov/assets/dsny/zerowaste/residents/recycling.shtml
New York State Environmental Facilities, Corporation Small Business Environmental Assistance Program
Services: Provides environmental compliance assistance and on-site consultation.
Phone: 800-780-7227
Email: sbeap@nysefc.org
Web site: www.efc.ny.gov/SBEAP
Puerto Rico Solid Waste Management Authority
Services: Technical Assistance
P.O. Box 40285
San Juan, PR 00940
Contact: Brenda Colón
Phone: 787-765-7575 x4227
E-mail: bcolon@ads.gobierno.pr
Web site: www.ads.pr.gov/
US Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources,
Division of Environmental Protection
45 Mars Hills
Frederiksted, USVI 00840
Contact: Nadine Noorhasan
Phone: 340-773-1082
Fax: 340-773-9310