Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance - EPA Region 3
EPA Region 3, Pollution Prevention Program
Services: Regional Sustainability Partnership Programs initiative, outreach and recognition support.
US EPA Region 3
1650 Arch Street (3LC33)
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Contact: Peter Piergiovanni
E-mail: piergiovanni.peter@epa.gov
Fax: 215-814-3114
Phone: 215-814-3442
EPA Region 3, Business Assistance Center
Services: Technical assistance, technology development, and small-business liaison and assistance.
Contact: Dave Byro
Phone: 215-814-5563 or 800-228-8711
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Environmental Sustainability Resource Center (ESRC)
Services: The Environmental Sustainability Resource Center (ESRC) provides pollution prevention technical support to the states in EPA Regions 3 and 4. ESRC is a member of the P2Rx network of regional centers.
Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292
Phone: 502-852-0965
E-Mail: info@esrconline.org
Web Site: esrconline.org/
Delaware Pollution Prevention Program, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Services: Provides P2 guides for specific industry sectors, and P2 success stories.
PO Box 1401
89 Kings Highway
Dover, DE 19903
Contact: Phil Cherry
Phone: 302-739-4403 (for P2), 302 739-6400 (for business assistance)
Web site: www.dnrec.delaware.gov/p2/Pages/default.aspx
Delaware Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
Services: Provides on-site assessments, permitting assistance, and guides and manuals.
Phone: 302-739-9069
Email: Michelle.Jacobs@state.de.us
Web site: www.dnrec.state.de.us/dnrec2000/Admin/BusServ/BPSOff.htm
Delaware Small Business Development Center
Phone: 302-831-0782
Services: Provides financial assistance.
Email: info@delawaresbdc.org
Web site: delawaresbdc.org/
District Of Columbia
DC Department of Health
51 N Street, NE, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20002-3323
Contact: Olivia Achuko
Phone: 202-535-2997
Email: noa@mail.environ.state.dc.us
Web site: doh.dc.gov/
DC Department of Environmental Programs, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG)
777 North Capitol Street, NE, Suite 300
Washington, DC 20002-4239
Web site: www.mwcog.org/environment/planning-areas/
DC Department of Energy and Environment
Services: Provides technical assistance and publications.
Phone: 202-645-6080, Ext. 3079
Web site: doee.dc.gov/
Maryland Department of the Environment, Pollution Prevention
1800 Washington Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21230
Contact: Laura Armstrong
Phone: 410-537-4119
Web site: mde.maryland.gov/programs/Businessinfocenter/GreeningYourBusinessFacility/Pages/onsite.aspx
Maryland Center for Environmental, Health and Safety Training
Services: Provides technical assistance, training.
Phone: 301-934-7500
Email: info@mcet.org
Web site: www.mcet.org
Maryland Technology Extension Service
University of Maryland
410 W. Lombard Street, Suite A
Baltimore, MD 21201
Phone: 301-405-3906
Email: pg26@umail.umd.edu
Web site: www.mtech.umd.edu/index.html
PA Pollution Prevention & Energy Efficiency, Department of Environmental Protection
Services: Supports partnerships and provides workshops, financial assistance, and one-on-one consultation.
PO Box 8772
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8772
Contact: Eric Thumma
Phone: 717-783-0542
Web site: www.dep.pa.gov/Citizens/Energy/Pages/EnergyEfficiency_PollutionPrevention.aspx
PA Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides technical and financial assistance and provides information on energy conservation and waste reduction.
Phone: 215-898-1219
Email: pasbdc@wharton.upenn.edu
Web site: www.pasbdc.org
PA Pollution Prevention/Energy Efficiency, Department of Environmental Protection
Services: P2 and energy efficiency assessments.
Phone: (717)-772-5834
Web site: www.dep.pa.gov/Business/Energy/OfficeofPollutionPrevention/Pages/default.aspx
VA Office of Pollution Prevention, Department of Environmental Quality
Services: Provides technical assistance and information.
PO Box 10009
Richmond, VA 23240
Contact: Sharon Baxter
Phone: 804-698-4344
Email: sharon.baxter@deq.virginia.gov
Web site: www.deq.virginia.gov/Programs/PollutionPrevention.aspx
VA Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality
Phone: 804-698-4284 or 800-592-5482
Email: osba@deq.virginia.gov
Web site: www.deq.virginia.gov/Programs/Air/SmallBusinessAssistance.aspx
VA Small Business Development Centers
Services: Provides financial assistance.
Contact: R. Wilburn
Phone: 804-371-8251
Email: rwilburn@dba.state.va.us
Web site: www.virginiasbdc.org/
Genedge Alliance
Services: Provides training and waste reduction assessments for small-mid-sized manufacturers.
Northern, Southside, Southwestern VA
Phone: 276-732-4220
Central and Eastern VA
Phone: 804-323-2226 (Ext 228)
Web site: www.genedge.org
Manufacturing Technology Center at Wytheville Community College
Services: Provides waste reduction and sustainability assessments for small-mid-sized manufacturers.
Phone: 276-223-4799 or 800-468-1195 (Ext 4799)
Web site: www.mtcofswva.org
West Virginia Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides one-on-one consulting, financial assistance, and workshops.
Phone: 304-558-2960 or 888-982-7232
Web site: wvsbdc.com/
Business for West Virginia
Services: Offers online resources and contact information.
Web site: www.business4wv.com/
Business Assistance - West Virginia Development Office
Phone: 304-558-2234
Web site: westvirginia.gov/business-assistance.html
West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection
Services: Provides sustainability, and P2 assistance.
Contact: Gregory E. Adolfson, Sustainability Officer
Phone: 866-568-6649, Ext. 1332
Web site: dep.wv.gov/
West Virginia Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Services: Provides waste reduction and sustainability assessments as well as training opportunities for manufacturers.
Phone: 304-293-3800 and 800-637- 4634
Email: info@wvmep.com
Web site: wvmep.com/