Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance - EPA Region 4
EPA Region 4, Pollution Prevention Program
Services: Resources and contacts.
US EPA Region 4 - Air, Pesticide & Toxics Mgmt Division
Atlanta Federal Center
61 Forsyth St SW
Atlanta, GA 30303
Contact: Pam Swingle
Email: swingle.pamela@epa.gov
Phone: 404-562-8482
Environmental Sustainability Resource Center (ESRC)
Services: The Environmental Sustainability Resource Center (ESRC) provides pollution prevention technical support to the states in EPA Regions 3 and 4. ESRC is a member of the P2Rx network of regional centers.
Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292
Phone: 502-852-0965
E-Mail: info@esrconline.org
Web Site: esrconline.org/
The following links exit the site Exit
Alabama Department of Environmental Management, Pollution Prevention Unit
Services: Provides technical assistance and industry sector fact sheets.
P.O. Box 301463
Montgomery, AL 36310
Contact: Gary Ellis
Phone: 334-394-4352
Web site: adem.alabama.gov/programs/air/pollutionPrevention.cnt
Alabama Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides financial assistance.
Phone: 205-943-6750
Email: sandefur@uab.edu
Web site: www.asbdc.org
Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Office of Sustainable Initiatives
Services: Provides technical assistance, on-site assessments, training and publications.
2600 Blair Stone Road
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Contact: Brad Stombock
Phone: 850-245-2091
Email: brad.Stombock@dep.state.fl.us
Web site: floridadep.gov/osi
Florida Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides financial assistance.
Phone: 850-473-7800 or 866-737-7232
Email: info@floridasbdc.org
Web site: www.floridasbdc.org
Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Small Business Assistance Program
Services: Provides technical assistance, publications, and training.
Phone: 800-722-7457
Email: Small.Business@floridadep.gov
Web site: floridadep.gov/air/permitting-compliance/content/small-business-assistance
Georgia Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides business and technical assistance.
Phone: 706-542-6762
Email: hlogan@sbdc.uga.edu
Web site: www.georgiasbdc.org/
Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Small Business Assistance Program
Phone: 877-427-6255
Email: adword@mail.dnr.state.ga.us
Web site: www.gasmallbiz.org/
Kentucky Environmental Compliance Assistance Program, Division of Compliance Assistance
300 Fair Oaks Lane
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502-782-6189
Email: envhelp@ky.gov
Web site: eec.ky.gov/Environmental-Protection/Compliance-Assistance/
Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection
Contact: Matt Hackathorn
Phone: 502-564-6716
Email: matthew.hackathorn@mail.state.ky.us
Web site: eec.ky.gov/Environmental-Protection/
Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center, University of Louisville
Services: Provides technical assistance, on-site assessments, training, and applied research.
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292
Phone: 502-852-0965
Email: info@kppc.org
Web site: louisville.edu/kppc
Environmental Sustainability Resource Center (ESRC)
Services: The Environmental Sustainability Resource Center (ESRC) provides pollution prevention technical support to the states in EPA Regions 3 and 4. ESRC is a member of the P2Rx network of regional centers.
Kentucky Pollution Prevention Center
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky 40292
Phone: 502-852-0965
E-Mail: info@esrconline.org
Web Site: esrconline.org/
Kentucky Small Business Development Center
Phone: 859-257-7668
Email: Lrnaug0@pop.uky.edu
Services: Provides financial assistance.
Web site: www.ksbdc.org/
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Services: Provides technical assistance, on-site assessments, and publications.
P.O. Box 2261
Jackson, MS 39225
Contact: Khairy Abu-Salah
Phone: 601-961-5284
Web site: www.mdeq.ms.gov/
Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality
Services: Provides technical assistance, on-site assessments, and publications.
Contact: Jesse Thompson
Phone: 800-725-6112
Email: jesse_thompson@deq.state.ms.us
Web site: www.mdeq.ms.gov/land/waste-division/pollution-prevention-program/
Division of Environmental Assistance and Outreach, Customer Service Center, NC Department of Environment Quality
Services: Provides technical assistance, on-site assessments, and publications.
Mailing Address:
1639 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1639
Physical address:
217 W. Jones St.
Raleigh, NC 27603
Phone: 877-623-6748
Email: eac@ncdenr.gov
Web site: deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/environmental-assistance-customer-service/
North Carolina Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides extensive in-depth business counseling and management education services.
Contact: S. Daugherty
Phone: 919-715-7272
Email: sdaugherty@sbtdc.org
Web site: www.sbtdc.org
South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Small Business Assistance Program
Services: Provides technical assistance and publications.
2600 Bull Street
Columbia SC 29208
Contact: Phyllis Copeland
Email: copelapt@dhec.sc.gov
Phone: 803-898-0415
Web site: www.scdhec.gov/HomeandEnvironment/BusinessesandCommunities-GoGreen/SmartBusiness/sbeap/
South Carolina Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides environmental assistance.
Phone: 803-777-0749
Email: scsbdc@sc.edu
Web site: www.scsbdc.com/
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Office of Policy and Sustainable Practices
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue, 2nd Floor
Nashville, TN 37243
Contact: Kathy Glapa
Phone: 615-253-8780
Email: Kathy.Glapa@tn.gov
Web site: www.tn.gov/environment/program-areas/opsp-policy-and-sustainable-practices.html
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Small Business Environmental Assistance Program
Services: Provides technical assistance and training.
Phone: 800-734-3619
Email: bgsbeap@tn.gov
Web site: www.tn.gov/environment/program-areas/sbeap-small-business-environmental-assistance.html
Tennessee Small Business Development Centers
Services: Provides financial and technical assistance.
Phone: 877-898-3900
Web site: www.tsbdc.org/