Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance - EPA Region 8
EPA Region 8, Pollution Prevention Program
Services: Pollution prevention, waste reduction, and energy efficiency resources.
U.S. EPA Region 8 (8P-PES)
Pollution Prevention, Pesticides and Toxics Program
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 80202-1192
Contact: Melissa Payan
Email: payan.melissa@epa.gov
Phone: 303-312-6511
The following links exit the site Exit
Peaks to Prairies Center/P2 Information Center
Services: Technical and financial assistance, recognition program, and resource links.
P.O. Box 173580
Bozeman, MT 59717-3580
Phone: 406-994-3451
Fax: 406-994-5417
E-mail: information@peakstoprairies.org
Website: peakstoprairies.org
Midwest Assistance Program, Inc. (MAP)
Services: On-site technical assistance, publications, and training.
Phone: 800-822-2981
E-mail: map@map-inc.org
Website: www.map-inc.org
Office of Environmental Health and Sustainability, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment
Services: Conducts on-site assessments, telephone consultations, financial assistance, and training.
4300 Cherry Creek Drive South (PPP-B2)
Denver, CO 80246
Contact: Derek Boer
Email: derek.boer@state.co.us
Phone: 303-692-2977
Web site: www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/pollution-prevention
Colorado State University Industrial Assessment Center
Services: Conducts on-site assessments.
Phone: 970-491-3539
Email: Thomas.Bradley@colostate.edu
Web site: iac.university/center/CO
Small Business Assistance Program, Department of Public Health and Environment
Services: Provides technical assistance to businesses.
Phone: 303-692-3175 or 303-692-3148
Email: comments.apcd@state.co.us
Web site: www.coloradosbdc.org/
Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center (MAMTC) Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Services: Offers manufacturers high-quality, low-cost consultations that lead to bottom-line results.
Phone: 888-649-4333
Web site: www.mamtc.com
Montana Department of Environmental Quality - Business and Community Assistance Program Energy and Pollution Prevention Bureau
Services: Sets up and marketing of reuse/recycling programs.
Contact: Dusti Johnson, Recycling and Market Development Specialist
Phone: 406-841-5253
Email: djohnson@mt.gov
Web site: deq.mt.gov/Land/recycle/intewastemanag
Montana Department of Environmental Quality - Small Business Assistance Program Energy and Pollution Prevention Bureau
Services: Assists with environmental compliance and P2.
Contact: Darrick Turner, Small Business Ombudsman
Phone: 406-841-5230
Email: dturner@mt.gov
Web site: deq.mt.gov/Energy/sbeap
Peaks to Prairies Center/P2 Information Center
Services: Provides technical and financial assistance, supports a recognition program, and provides resource links.
P.O. Box 173580
Bozeman, MT 59717-3580
Phone: 406-994-3451
Email: information@peakstoprairies.org
Web site: peakstoprairies.org
ND Department of Health, Solid Waste Program
Services: Provides information and technical assistance.
Contact: Ombudsman - toclair@nd.gov
Technical - tbachman@nd.gov
Phone: 701-328-5166
Web site: deq.nd.gov/WM/
ND Department of Health, Small Business Assistance Program
Services: Provides information and technical assistance.
Phone: 701-328-5188 or 800-755-1625
Web site: www.ndhealth.gov/AQ/
North Dakota Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides one-on-one consultations, applied economic research, technical assistance and training.
Email: ndsbdc@sage.und.nodak.edu
Web site: ndsbdc.org/
SD Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Services: Provides information and technical assistance.
Joe Foss Building
523 East Capitol
Pierre, SD 57501-3182
Phone: 605-773-3151
Web site: denr.sd.gov/
Small Business Assistance Program, SD Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Services: Provides information and technical assistance.
Contact: Joe Nadenicek
Phone: 800-438-3367 or 605-773-3836
Email: joe.nadenicek@state.sd.us
Web site: denr.sd.gov/des/aq/aasmba.aspx
South Dakota Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides compliance and technical assistance.
Phone: 605-330-4243
Web site: www.sba.gov/offices/district/sd/sioux-falls
Pollution Prevention Program, Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Services: Provides technical assistance, awards program, and training.
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
Contact: Paul Harding
Phone: 801-536-4108
Web site: https://deq.utah.gov/public-interest/what-you-can-do-at-home-pollution-prevention-p2
Small Business Assistance Program, Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Services: Provides compliance and technical assistance.
Contact: E. Brennan
Phone: 801-536-4176
Email: ebrennan@utah.gov
Web site: https://deq.utah.gov/public-interest/what-you-can-do-for-business-pollution-prevention-p2
Utah Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides financial assistance.
Phone: 801-957-3493
Web site: utahsbdc.org/
Small Business Environmental Assistance Program, Department of Environmental Quality
Services: Provides technical assistance, P2 opportunity assessments and planning.
Herschler Building
122 West 25th
Cheyenne, WY 82002
Phone: 307-777-7347
Web site: http://deq.wyoming.gov/shwd/pollution-prevention/
Wyoming Small Business Development Center
Services: Provides financial assistance.
Phone: 307-766-3505 or 800-348-5194
Web site: www.wyomingsbdc.org/
Mid-America Manufacturing Technology Center (MAMTC) Manufacturing Extension Partnership
Services: Offers manufacturers high-quality, low-cost consultations that lead to bottom-line results.
Contact: N. Fallas
Phone: 800-343-1423
Email: nfallas@uwyo.edu
Web site: www.manufacturing-works.com/