May—June 2019 Pacific Southwest Newsletter
May—June 2019
Protecting a Tribal Community
The Copper Bluff Mine has been added to the Superfund National Priority List (NPL). The mine, located within the Hoopa Valley Reservation adjacent to California State Highway 96, was operated by private companies from the 1920s until 1964. Acid mine drainage has been flowing into the Trinity River since the mine closed, harming the fishery on which the Hoopa Valley Tribe depends. The NPL listing provides a framework for cleanup of this acid mine drainage, which has also been impacting cultural resources and the health of the Hoopa People.
- Times-Standard: Hoopa’s Copper Bluff Mine Listed as Superfund Site
- Superfund Site Profile: Copper Bluff Mine
Supporting Community Revitalization
The City of Los Angeles will receive $500,000 to clean up the Taylor Yard River Park Brownfields site. The site was first developed and used as a railyard in the 1930s and is currently contaminated with metals, arsenic, and volatile organic compounds. As part of the redevelopment of the site into green space, solar-powered lighting will be installed along trails and in parking areas. The grant is part of $64.6 million of Brownfields funds awarded nationally to 149 communities. Brownfields funding aids economically disadvantaged communities in cleaning up abandoned industrial and commercial properties.
- KCET: Taylor Yard Receives $500K for Cleanup
- Applicants Selected for Brownfields Grants
- EPA’s Brownfields Program
Improving Air Quality
EPA has awarded over $1.4 million to the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District and over $800,000 to the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District to improve air quality and reduce risks to human health and the environment. The air districts will use the funds to support air quality monitoring and planning. The grants are provided through the Clean Air Act and will also support implementation of Clean Air Act permitting and regulations.
- Roseville Today: $800,000 for Sacramento Air District
- The Clean Air Act
Enforcement Update
Preventing Chemical Accidents
EPA has reached a settlement agreement with Del Monte Fresh Produce (West Coast) Inc. for violations of federal chemical safety requirements following an ammonia release at its storage and distribution facility in Sanger, California. Del Monte, one of the world’s largest distributors of fresh produce, will pay a $80,000 civil penalty and spend approximately $110,000 to reduce the risk of chemical accidents at its facility. Proper implementation of a risk management plan helps facilities that store large amounts of regulated hazardous substances prevent and prepare for chemical accidents.