EPA has developed a technical guidance for determining the presence of PCBs at regulated concentrations on vessels (ships) to be reflagged to assist ship owners in complying with Maritime Administration (MARAD) procedures for requesting a transfer of a United States flagged ships to a foreign registry.
Prior to reflagging, MARAD requires owners to certify that there are no PCBs in amounts greater than or equal to 50 parts per million (ppm) in shipboard materials, such as the following:
- paint
- electrical cabling
- gaskets
The comprehensive, technical guidance will also help protect human health and the environment by assisting ship owners in complying with the requirements of the Toxic Substance Control Act and implementing PCB regulations. These regulations prohibit the export of regulated levels of PCBs from the United States.
EPA solicited public comments on the entire draft technical guidance document. The comment period closed on March 31, 2013, and comments were received from seven organizations.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.- Technical Guidance for PCBs in Ships (PDF)(103 pp, 900 K)
- Consolidated Comments: Technical Guidance for Determining the Presence of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) at Regulated Concentrations on Vessels (Ships) to be Reflagged (PDF)(16 pp, 128 K)
- Public Comments Received on EPA’s Draft Technical Guidance for Determining Presence of PCBs at Regulated Concentrations on Vessels to be Reflagged (PDF)(99 pp, 962 K)