Label Review Training: Module 2: Parts of the Label, Page 6
Section 1: What is on the front panel?
Key Points
- The front panel of a pesticide label can include the following eight parts: restricted use pesticide statement; product name, brand, or trademark; ingredient statement; child hazard warning statement; signal word; first aid statement; skull and cross bones symbol and the word “Poison”; and net contents/net weight.
- If a product is subject to the Worker Protection Standard, then the signal word must appear in both Spanish and English, and must be followed by a statement in Spanish and English.
- The front panel of a pesticide label should usually be organized in the following order: 1) restricted use pesticide statement; 2) product name, brand, or trademark; 3) ingredient statement; 4) child hazard warning statement; 5) signal word; 6) first aid statement; 7) skull and cross bones symbol and the word “Poison”; and 8) net contents/net weight.
Progress Check
- When is a child hazard warning statement unnecessary?
When a pesticide is intended for use on children or when it is demonstrated that children will not come in contact with the pesticide.
- What regulations establish standards and labeling requirements for the protection of occupational users of pesticides, including agricultural workers and handlers?
The Worker Protection Standard. (40 CFR Part 170)
- What must appear at the top of the front panel of a pesticide label?
If the product is a restricted use pesticide, then the restricted use pesticide statement must appear at the top. If not, then product name, brand, or trademark should come first.
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