Label Review Training: Module 3: Special Issues, Page 43
Module 3 Quiz
- What is the purpose of precautionary statements?
- Which of the following is not a type of precautionary statement?
- What is the primary tool for determining many precautionary statements?
- Which chapters of the Label Review Manual provide guidance for determining precautionary statements?
- Directions for use do not include the following:
- What misuse statement must appear in the directions for use section on all registered pesticides and experimental use permits?
- Which of the following is a resource for determining directions for use language?
- Which of the following formats can make directions for use easy to read and understand?
- The Worker Protection Standard...
- Which of the following use sites is subject to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS)?
- Products subject to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) can include four types of worker protection statements, which appear...
- A restricted entry interval is...
- An ingredient that will prevent, destroy, repel, or mitigate any pest, or that functions as a plant regulator, desiccant, or defoliant, is known as a pesticide's...
- Warranty statements should...
- Which of the following claims are unacceptable?
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