Label Review Training: Module 4: Applying the Principles of Pesticide Label Review, Page 16
Section 4: How should I review for accuracy?
Key Points
- Chapters 7, 8, and 9 provide guidance for ensuring the accuracy of precautionary statements.
- Chapter 11 of the Label Review Manual provides guidance for ensuring the accuracy of application timing, methods, rates, and rates, as well as other directions for use elements. Chapter 12 of the Label Review Manual provides guidance for ensuring the accuracy of label claims.
Progress Check
- What statement is required if field studies or accident history indicate that the use of a pesticide may result in fatality to birds, fish, or mammals?
“This pesticide is extremely toxic to [birds], [mammals], [fish], or [birds and mammals and fish].”
- If an error is discovered in the directions for use portion of a registered label, what should you do?
Contact the registrant about the error(s) and request that the registrant submit a corrected label within a suitable time frame.
- Are registrants required to have data to support efficacy claims?
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