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Label Review Training: Module 4: Applying the Principles of Pesticide Label Review, Page 3

Section 1: How should I use the Label Review Manual to review for consistency?

Key Chapters of the Label Review Manual

Although in conducting your reviews you will use many, if not all, of the Label Review Manual chapters, you should become especially familiar with the following chapters and ensure that the labels you review are consistent with the information they contain:

  • Chapter 3: General Labeling Requirements: This chapter defines the parts of the label and explains the important differences between mandatory and advisory language. Module 2 of this online training provides an introduction to this chapter.
  • Chapter 7: Precautionary Labeling; Chapter 8: Environmental Hazards: These chapters include tables with appropriate precautionary statements, which are important risk-mitigation tools. Sections 1 and 2 of Module 3 in this online training provide an introduction to these chapters.
  • Chapter 10: Worker Protection Labeling: This chapter covers the Worker Protection Standard and worker protection labeling, which is among the most complicated labeling you will review. Sections 5 and 6 of Module 3 in this online training provide an introduction to this chapter.
  • Chapter 11: Directions for Use: This chapter explains the components and requirements of directions for use, which take up more space on the label than any other part. Sections 3 and 4 of Module 3 in this online training provide an introduction to this chapter.
  • Chapter 12: Labeling Claims: This chapter covers labeling claims, which can appear in almost any label part. Section 8 of Module 3 in this online training provides an introduction to this chapter.


To review the parts of the label as well as mandatory versus advisory language, see Chapter 3 of the Label Review Manual.
To review precautionary statements, see Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 of the Label Review Manual.
To review worker protection labeling, see Chapter 10 of the Label Review Manual.
To review directions for use, see Chapter 11 of the Label Review Manual.
To review labeling claims, see Chapter 12 of the Label Review Manual.

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