Summary of September 2020 Updates to Aquatic Life Benchmarks Table
EPA updated Aquatic Life Benchmarks table (view Aquatic Life Benchmarks and Ecological Risk Assessments for Registered Pesticides) as of September 28, 2020.
Updates to the aquatic life benchmarks include the following newly registered pesticides and their degradates (new registrations):
- Bixafen;
- Mefentrifluconazole;
- Methiozolin;
- Streptomycin sulfate; and
- Valifenalate (and valifenalate degradates “p-chlorobenzoic acid” and “valifenalate acid”)
Updates to the aquatic life benchmarks include new values for the following previously registered pesticides and their degradates undergoing registration review (updated registrations):
- 2,4-DB;
- 2,4-DB-DMAS;
- Ethaboxam (and ethaboxam degradates “LGC-32523” and “LGC-32533”);
- Methomyl;
- Oxytetracycline;
- Pyrifluquinazon (and pyrifluquinazon degradates “IV-15”, “IV-27”, and “IV-28”);
- Phenmedipham;
- Thiabendazole;
- Thiodicarb;
For more information on these updates, please contact D. Ethan Harwood (, 703-347-0255).