EPA to Hold Environmental Modeling Public Meeting in October
For Release: September 4, 2019
On Oct. 16, 2019, EPA will hold its semi-annual Environmental Modeling Public Meeting. This is a public forum for pesticide registrants, other stakeholders, and EPA to discuss current issues related to modeling pesticide fate, transport and exposure for risk assessments in a regulatory context.
Sources of usage data (relating to the actual application of pesticides, in terms of the quantity applied or units treated);
Spatial applications of usage data;
Model parameterization;
Extrapolation of usage data to fill in gaps;
Temporal variability of usage; and
Updates on ongoing topics.
There will also be presentations on incorporating pesticide usage data into environmental exposure and ecological risk assessments.
Registration is required. Requests to participate in the meeting must be received on or before Sept. 23, 2019. Please contact Rebecca Lazarus or Zoe Ruge at OPP_EMPM@epa.gov to register.
More information can be found at www.regulations.gov in docket # EPA_FRDOC_0001-24430. Sign up for updates and abstract requests for future Environmental Modeling Public Meetings.