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EPA Proposes Registration of Product Containing New Microbial Active Ingredient

For Release: July 2, 2020

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is opening a 15-day comment period on a proposal to register a pesticide product, Vintec, that contains the new microbial active ingredient Trichoderma atroviride strain SC1 (T. atroviride SC1).

T. atroviride SC1 is a naturally occurring fungus that obtains nutrients from dead organic matter and inhabits soil in the vicinity of plant roots. The proposed pesticide product, Vintec, would be applied via sprayers adapted to target pruning and grafting wounds to grapevines and almond trees to control fungal wood and canker diseases.

Data submitted to EPA in support of T. atroviride SC1 demonstrated it is not expected to be toxic or pathogenic, and/or infective to humans. EPA does not expect adverse effects to non-target organisms. EPA routinely receives registration applications, such as this, and evaluates them to determine any risks to human health and the environment.

The proposed decision is included in docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2019-0084 at Comments are due on July 17, 2020. EPA encourages input on the proposed decision from all interested parties.