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Pesticide Electronic Application Submission Portal Updated with New Features

For Release: August 28, 2017

EPA is continuing to update the Pesticide Submission Portal, the Web-based system for electronic submission of pesticide registration applications to EPA, with new features and functionality. This action is another step in a phased approach that will ultimately lead to EPA’s ability to accept all pesticide applications electronically, a move that will help modernize the pesticide registration process, increase operational efficiencies and reduce paper waste. 

The current round of updates will be broken into three separate releases, with each release focusing on a new set of features and enhancements for the portal. The first release, PSP version 1.4 (currently available), focuses on new features such as submitting voluntary data and resubmitting 90-Day Responses, along with numerous bug fixes and user experience enhancements. The other phases of this round of updates will be released this fall.

The portal is accessed through EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) Network and requires user registration. Pesticide registrants currently submitting CDs or DVDs using the e-Dossier downloadable tool or their own builder tools based on EPA’s guidance may use the portal and forego the courier costs of sending to EPA.

An updated user guide, frequently asked questions and other tools to help registration applicants submit electronic applications are available on the CDX Network.

Access the Central Data Exchange.

View additional information about electronic submission of pesticide applications.