B682 PRIA Fee Category
PRIA 4 Fee Determination Decision Tree:
Biopesticide Biochemical/Microbial - Other Actions
Below is the fee for your selected Fee Category for Fiscal Years 2020-2021
Action Code | Description | FY'20-FY'21 Fee | Decision Time (months) |
B682 | Protocol review; applicant initiated; excludes time for HSRB review | $2,554 | 3 |
Do you plan to request either of the following types of waivers?
Waiver | Pay | Amount |
50% waiver | You pay ---->>>>> | $1,277 |
75% waiver | You pay ---->>>>> | $639 |
To pay the fee shown above, go to Paying PRIA Application Fees web page and follow the instructions.
How to submit your application directly to EPA.
Action Code Interpretation |
An application for approval of a study protocol. Applicant provides a written copy of the protocol along with any specific questions about the protocol. The fee for this category is multiplied by each additional protocol submitted for review. PRIA fees are not applicable for pre-submission or pre-registration conferences or discussions with the EPA. |