In response to requests for an extension of the initial 30-day public comment period, EPA reopened this public comment period from November 9 through December 11, 2020. An informational webinar was held by EPA on December 2 to provide additional information (a recording of the webinar is available by request).
The Confederated Tribes of Coos, Lower Umpqua, and Siuslaw Indians (CTCLUSI) has applied to EPA Region 10 for “treatment in a similar manner as a state” (TAS) for the purpose of developing and administering water quality standards under Section 518 of the Clean Water Act.
Approval of the application would allow the CTCLUSI to adopt, review, and revise water quality standards pursuant to Section 303(c) of the Clean Water Act, and to certify that discharges comply with those water quality standards pursuant to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act for all surface waters within the boundaries of CTCLUSI’s Reservation and trust lands.
The CTCLUSI has applied for TAS for Tribal lands that include a total of approximately 14,800 acres, which are held in 28 individual parcels. The location of each parcel is identified in the TAS application. The waters within these parcels include fresh, estuarine, and marine waters, as well as wetlands.
The TAS application, including detailed descriptions and maps of the CTCLUSI Reservation and trust lands (see Exhibits C, D, E), are available under "Related Documents" below.
EPA is currently reviewing the CTCLUSI’s application and we are requesting comments on the Tribe’s assertion of authority to regulate surface water quality in the waters within its Reservation and trust lands (see "How to Comment").
Informational Webinar
EPA hosted an informational webinar regarding this application on December 2. The topics covered included:
- The authorities provided to tribes and EPA under CWA Section 518(e).
- The criteria established by the CWA and applied by EPA when evaluating a TAS application.
- The lands the CTCLUSI assert jurisdiction over.
- An overview of the state/tribal water quality standards development process and EPA review and action under CWA Section 303(c).
A question and answer session with webinar attendees.
A recording of the webinar is available by request. To request a copy of the recording, please send an email to Rachael Renkens ( and include your affiliation and a reason for the request.
Disability Reasonable Accommodation
If you need a reasonable accommodation for a disability, please call Ted Yackulic at 206-553-1218 (voice). TTY/TDD users please call the Federal Relay Service at 800‐877‐8339 and give the operator Ted Yackulic’s phone number at 206-553‐1218.