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Public Notice: Tribal Synthetic Minor NSR Permit Issuance; San Manuel Casino, Highland, CA

Publish Date: 09/03/2020


Source ID # 34; Application # 2020-001-SM; Permit C-2017-4-R3

Final Action

The United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9 (EPA) is issuing a synthetic minor New Source Review (NSR) permit for the San Manuel Casino (“Source”) to the San Manuel Entertainment Authority. The Source is located at 777 San Manuel Boulevard, Highland, California 92346, within the San Manuel Reservation. The contact for the Source is Clifford Batten, Environmental Manager, (909) 425-3590 x104311.

This permit authorizes the construction and operation of four boilers, six water heaters, and seven make-up air units, consistent with the minor NSR regulations for Indian country (40 CFR 49.151-161). This permit action also modifies the existing synthetic minor emissions limits to 9.85 tons per year (tpy) of NOx, 3.30 tpy of VOC, and 17.13 tpy of CO. More information on the emission changes and limitations associated with this draft permit can be found in Section 6 of the technical support document for this action.

Public Comment

The public comment period started on July 27, 2020 and ended on August 28, 2020.

No comments were received. We made only one minor change to correct a typographical error.

Administrative Record

The final permit and all other supporting information are available through under Docket ID No. EPA-R09-OAR-2020-0217. If you are not able to access the administrative record through the online docket, please contact Sheila Tsai ( at(415) 972-3328. Sheila Tsai can also be reached through the EPA Region 9’s toll-free general information line at (866) 372-9378. If you need assistance in a language other than English or if you are a person with disabilities who needs a reasonable accommodation at no cost to you, please reach out to the listed contact by email or phone.

Permit Appeal

In accordance with 40 CFR 49.159, within 30 days after a final permit decision has been issued, any person who filed comments on the draft permit or participated in a public hearing may petition the Environmental Appeals Board (EAB) to review any condition of the permit decision. Any person who failed to file comments or to participate in the public hearing may petition for administrative review only to the extent that the changes from the draft to the final permit or other new grounds were not reasonably ascertainable during the public comment period. The 30-day period within which a person may request review under this section begins with service of notice of the final permit decision. A petition to the EAB is a prerequisite to seeking judicial review of the final agency action under Section 307(b) of the CAA. For purposes of judicial review, final agency action occurs when we deny or issue a final permit and agency review procedures are exhausted. Following an appeal to the EAB, the EPA will issue a final permit decision as specified in 40 CFR 49.159(d)(8).

Permit Effective Date

This permit becomes effective immediately.

***Please bring the foregoing notice to the attention of all persons who would be interested in this matter.***

Applicant or Respondent

San Manuel Entertainment Authority
777 San Manuel Boulevard
Highland, CA 92346

Docket Number: