Revision 2:
For information on the Science Advisory Board Radiation Advisory Committee’s solicitation for additional expertise to review MARSSIM Revision 2, please visit the webpage for the Federal Register Notice.
riskriskThe probability of injury, disease or death from exposure to a hazard. Radiation risk may refer to all excess cancers caused by radiation exposure (incidence risk) or only excess fatal cancers (mortality risk). Risk may be expressed as a percent, a fraction, or a decimal value. For example, a 1% excess risk of cancer incidence is the same as a 1 in a hundred (1/100) risk or a risk of 0.01.-based regulation. MARSSIM focuses on the demonstration of compliance during the final status survey following scoping, characterization and any necessary remedial actions. Learn more about the Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM).
MARSSIM, Revision 1 (August 2000), including the June 2001 updates, is available in electronic format only.
Below you can download an electronic copy of MARSSIM, Revision 1 and supporting documents.
You may need a PDF reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA’s About PDF page to learn more.-
Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM) (PDF)(662 pp, 3 MB,
August 2000,
EPA 402-R-97-016)
This version of MARSSIM includes all chapters and appendices. The MARSSIM provides information on planning, conducting, evaluating, and documenting building surface and surface soil final status radiological surveys for demonstrating compliance with dose or risk-based regulations or standards.
Memo: The Consultation on Proposed Updates and Changes to the Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Inspection Manual (MARSSIM) (PDF)(2 pp, 672 K)
This memo was sent from the Director of EPA's Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA) to the Science Advisory Board on June 22, 2011.
- MARSSIM, Revision 1, CORRECTIONS (PDF)(30 pp, 354 K, August 2002)
MARSSIM: Availability of Reference Materials (PDF)(1 pg, 27 K)
This document details how to obtain (and the availability of) reference materials used in the MARSSIM Manual.
MARSSIM: Table of Contents (PDF)(26 pp, 163 K)
This is the table of contents for the MARSSIM Manual.
MARSSIM: Roadmap (PDF)(15 pp, 184 K)
The goal of the roadmap is to present a summary of the major steps in the design, implementation, and assessment of a final status survey and to identify where guidance on these steps is located in MARSSIM Manual.
MARSSIM: Cover Page and Spine (PDF)(2 pp, 110 K)
This document provides the cover page and easy to print spine label for the MARSSIM Manual.
MARSSIM: Chapter 1 (PDF)(9 pp, 91 K)
Introduction: Purpose and Scope of MARSSIM
MARSSIM: Chapter 2 (PDF)(40 pp, 243 K)
Overview of the Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Process
MARSSIM: Chapter 3 (PDF)(26 pp, 228 K)
Historical Site Assessment
MARSSIM: Chapter 4 (PDF)(39 pp, 489 K)
Preliminary Survey Considerations
MARSSIM: Chapter 5 (PDF)(55 pp, 339 K)
Survey Planning and Design
MARSSIM: Chapter 6 (PDF)(66 pp, 364 K)
Field Measurement Methods and Instrumentation
MARSSIM: Chapter 7 (PDF)(28 pp, 247 K)
Sampling and Preparation for Laboratory Measurements
MARSSIM: Chapter 8 (PDF)(27 pp, 398 K)
Interpretation of Survey Results
MARSSIM: Chapter 9 (PDF)(9 pp, 72 K)
Quality Assurance and Quality Control
MARSSIM: References, Regulations, & U.S. Code (PDF)(18 pp, 181 K)
This is the list of references pertaining to the MARSSIM Manual.
MARSSIM: Glossary (PDF)(24 pp, 324 K)
This is the glossary for the MARSSIM Manual.
MARSSIM: Index (PDF)(11 pp, 133 K)
This is the index for the MARSSIM Manual.
MARSSIM: Bibliographic Data Sheet (PDF)(1 pg, 29 K)
This document shows the performing and sponsoring agencies in the creation of the MARSSIM Manual.
MARSSIM: Appendix A (PDF)(20 pp, 328 K)
Example of MARSSIM Applied to a Final Status Survey
MARSSIM: Appendix B (PDF)(2 pp, 96 K)
Simplified Procedure for Certain Users of Sealed Sources, Short Half-Life Materials, and Small Quantities
MARSSIM: Appendix C (PDF)(21 pp, 163 K)
Regulations and Requirements Associated with Radiation Surveys and Site Investigations
MARSSIM: Appendix D (PDF)(29 pp, 301 K)
The Planning Phase of the Data Life Cycle
MARSSIM: Appendix E (PDF)(5 pp, 61 K)
The Assessment Phase of the Data Life Cycle
MARSSIM: Appendix F (PDF)(10 pp, 171 K)
The Relationship Between the Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Process, The CERCLA Remedial or Removal Process, and the RCRA Corrective Action Process
MARSSIM: Appendix G (PDF)(22 pp, 181 K)
Historical Site Assessment Information Sources
MARSSIM: Appendix H (PDF)(56 pp, 462 K)
Description of Field Survey and Laboratory Analysis Equipment
MARSSIM: Appendix I (PDF)(36 pp, 971 K)
Statistical Tables and Procedures
MARSSIM: Appendix J (PDF)(10 pp, 269 K)
Derivation of Alpha Scanning Equations Presented in Section
MARSSIM: Appendix K (PDF)(6 pp, 101 K)
Comparison Tables between Quality Assurance Documents
MARSSIM: Appendix L (PDF)(8 pp, 61 K)
Regional Radiation Program Managers
MARSSIM: Appendix M (PDF)(10 pp, 77 K)
Sampling Methods: A List of Sources
MARSSIM: Appendix N (PDF)(18 pp, 184 K)
Data Validation Using Data Descriptors